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Raising Arizona
    Hi: My name is H.I. McDunna. Call me "Hi." The first time I met Ed was in the county lockup in Tempe, Arizona.
    off-camera voice: Don't forget his profile, Ed.
    Ed: Turn to the right.
    Hi: A day I'll never forget.
    Ed: Turn to the right.
    Hi: What kinda name is "Ed" for a pretty thing like you?
    Ed: Short for Edwina. Turn to the right.
    Hi: You're a flower, you are. Just a little desert flower. Lemme know how those come out.
    Prison Counsellor: Why do you say you feel "trapped" in a man's body?
    Prisoner: Well sometimes I get the menstrual cramps real hard.
    Prison Counsellor: Most men your age, Hi, are getting married and raising up a family.
    Hi: Well, factually they...
    Counsellor: They wouldn't accept prison as a substitute. Would any of you men care to comment?
    Gale: Well... sometimes your career's gotta come before family.
    Parole board chief: You're just hurting yourself with this rambunctious behavior.
    Man #1: You're not just tellin' us what we wanna hear?
    Hi: :
    No sir, no way
    Man #2: 'Cause we just want to hear the truth.
    Hi: Well, then I guess I am tellin'you what you wanna hear.
    Man #1:
    Boy, didn't we just tell you not to do that?
    Hi: Yessir.
    Man #1: OK then.
    Payroll clerk: The government do take a bite, don't she?
    If you can find lower prices anywhere, my name ain't Nathan Arizona!
    Ed: You go right back up there and get me a toddler. I need a baby, Hi. They got more'n they can handle.
    Hi: What, are you kiddin'? We got us a family here!
    Gale: So many social engagements.... so little time.
    Dot: Oh! He's an angel! He's an angel straight from heaven!
    Dot: Ray! You take that diaper off your head, you put it back onto your sister!
    Hi: I'll be takin' these Huggies, and whatever cash you got.
    Ed: I'm not gonna live this way, Hi. It just ain't family life.
    Hi: Well, it ain't "Ozzie and Harriet."
    Euelle: Oh Hi... you're young and you got your health. What you want with a job?
    Gale: You understand H.I.? If this works out, it's just the beginning of a spree to cover the entire southwest proper. And we keep going until we can retire. Or we get caught.
    Euelle: Either way we're fixed for life.
    Smalls: You wanna find an outlaw you call an outlaw. You wanna find a Dunkin' Donuts call a cop.
    Hi: I ain't like that no more. I'm a changed man. You were right, I was wrong. We got a family here, I'm gonna start acting responsibly. So let's go, Honey. (sound of shotgun being cocked)
    Let's go get Nathan Junior!
    Euelle: Hey, these blow up into funny shapes at all?
    Old Timer: Well, no. Unless round is funny.
    Gale: Where's Junior?
    Euelle: What do you mean? Didn't you put him in?
    Gale: No, I thought... where'd we leave him?
    Gale: Alright you hayseeds it's a stickup! Everybody freeze. Everybody down on the ground.
    (Long pause)
    Hayseed: Well, which is it Young Feller? You want I should freeze or get down on the ground? I mean to say, if'n I freeze I can't rightly drop. And if'n I drop, I'm gonna be in motion. Y'see...
    Gale: Shut up!
    Hayseed: Ok then.
    Gale: Alright, everybody. We're just about ready to begin the robbery proper..
    Hi: ..and it seemed real... it seemed like us... and it seemed like... well... our home. If not Arizona, then a land not too far away, where all parents are strong, and wise, and capable; and all children are happy and beloved. I don't know. Maybe it was Utah.
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      Created and Maintained by Gary West. Credits   
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