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nurses.wav (135K)
Wendy: Spaz? Tripper (Bill Murray): He's a sex machine. Wendy: Are your kidding me. Tripper: Well, I went out with him one night and he got us six nurses by himself and four of them couldn't report to work the next morning.
hookers.wav (211K)
Tripper: But the real excitement of course is going to come at the end of the summer uh during sexual awareness week. We import 200 hookers from around the world. And each camper, armed with only a thurmus of coffee and $2000 cash, tries to visit as many countries as he can. And the winner of course will be named the king of sexual awareness week and is allowed to rape and pillige the neighboring towns until camp ends.
fly.wav (96K)
Spaz (Jack Blum): What's cookin' good lookin'? Girl Camper: Your fly's undone. (laugh)
Tripper: Hey Spaz, I was watchin' you out there. Looked like you had a chance there for a second.
swiss.wav (103K)
Tripper: I'll get em with this swiss army knife. The swiss trained me to kill and I will do it. I will grab these guys by the neck, take the toothpick and stick it right in between there teeth.
wrestle.wav (137K)
Tripper: Roxanne, I have what doctors call very active glands. Your the only person I've told. My parents don't even know. Roxanne (Kate Lynch): Well maybe you can have surgery without them knowing. Tripper: Awwwohhh! Heck with surgery, (banging on the walls) Let's wrestle!
killerbee.wav (101K)
Tripper: (over the PA) Attention campers, Remember this is killer bee season in the north woods. So don't provoke any flying yellow things. You're just asking for trouble.
blow_up.wav (76K)
Tripper: Did you read in the paper today about the polish terrorist. A kid: No Tripper: Yeh a Tragedy. They sent the guy to blow up a car and the guy burns his mouth on the tailpipe.
flagpole.wav (46K)
Tripper: Attention, there is a very fat pair of pants hanging on the flagpole this morning.
limit.wav (84K)
Tripper: The fish and game commission has raised the legal kill limit on campers to three. So if you're hiking today, please wear something brite and keep low.
balls.wav (35K)
Tripper: I want you guys to go out there and protect your balls at any cost.
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Created and Maintained by Gary
West. Credits
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