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    chili.wav (13K)
    Chili Palmer (John Travolta): My name's Chili Palmer
    dead.wav (130K)
    Chili Palmer: He's dead!
    Ray "Bones" Burboni (Dennis Farina): How do you know he's dead? Did he tell you he's dead?
    Chili Palmer: Yeh he told me that he was dead.
    Ray Bones: Personally?
    Chili Palmer: Yeh Ray, He personally told me he got killed in that getaway jet crash that happened a month ago.
    idea.wav (27K)
    Chili Palmer: I got an idea for a movie
    Harry Zimm (Gene Hackman): Doesn;t everybody?
    gayguy.wav (32K)
    Chili Palmer: No, his best part was when he played the crippled gay guy that climbed Mount Whitney.
    me.wav (33K)
    Bo Culett: You must bring something heavy to the deal.
    Chili Palmer: I do, Me!
    agun.wav (80K)
    Chili Palmer: I'm gonna take a gun. I'm gonna put it to his head and say sign the papers Martin or you're dead. That's it.
    Bo Culett (Delroy Lindo): I wonder, would that work?
    party.wav (140K)
    Martin Weir: Lookin' at you I'm having memories of us and I'm wondering how did it go wrong? How did it all slip away?
    Karen: well it didn't slip away Martin, you did when you went off with Nicki at my birthday party.
    Martin Weir: Yeh, that was a good party.
    caddilac.wav (63K)
    Martin Weir (Danny Davito): Hey Chili, is this your ride?
    Chili Palmer: Yeh Yeh, I like to sit up high check everything out. I mean it is the Caddilac of minivans.
    loanshrk.wav (40K)
    Karen Flores (Rene Russo): Yesterday you were a loan shark!
    Chili Palmer: Yeh, but I was never that into it.
    smog.wav (47K)
    Ray Bones: They say the fuckin' smog is the fuckin' reason you have such beautiful fuckin' sunsets.
    money.wav (51K)
    Ray Bones: Where's Chili Palmer? Where's Leo Devoe? Where's my fucken money?
    no_no_no.wav (20K)
    Ray Bones: No No No No, Fuck you fuckball!
    puke.wav (21K)
    Ray Bones: Don't you puke on my shoes Harry!
    takerest.wav (27K)
    Chili Palmer: I may have to go back to loan sharking just to take a rest.
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      Copyright © 1997, 1998 MovieWavs. All rights reserved. 
      Created and Maintained by Gary West. Credits   
      rsaci All sounds on the The MovieWavs Page or linked from The MovieWavs Page retain their original copyright as owned by their respective movie production companies. All sound files are for educational, research, criticism, or review for movie purchase purposes. The MovieWavs Page holds no liability from misuse of these sound files. Some of the wav file contained on the MovieWavs Page may not be suitable for young children.