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    dontlike.wav (35K)
    Dodge(Stephen Baldwin): So What you don't like white people now huh?
    Piper(Laurence Fishburne): No, I just don't like you.
    friends.wav (65K)
    Cora(Salma Hayek): You guys know each other before you went to jail?
    Piper: No
    Cora: Became friends in jail?
    Piper: Noooooo? Hell no!
    Dodge: Uh uh, uh uh!
    convicts.wav (33K)
    A cop: I now pronounce you convict and convict.
    whiteboy.wav (61K)
    Lt Clark: What are you doin' chained to that white boy?
    Piper: I've been asking myself the same question all day.
    youridea.wav (33K)
    Dodge: It was your idea to start running in the first place.
    Piper: When people start shooting at me I run.
    sostupid.wav (43K)
    Piper: You so stupid that you didn't even know that you stole 25 million dolars from the cuban mafia?
Site Information
      Copyright © 1997, 1998 MovieWavs. All rights reserved. 
      Created and Maintained by Gary West. Credits   
      rsaci All sounds on the The MovieWavs Page or linked from The MovieWavs Page retain their original copyright as owned by their respective movie production companies. All sound files are for educational, research, criticism, or review for movie purchase purposes. The MovieWavs Page holds no liability from misuse of these sound files. Some of the wav file contained on the MovieWavs Page may not be suitable for young children.