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cableguy.wav (454K)
A song: Somebody to love performed by: Jim Carrey
koock.wav (38K)
Chip Douglas (Jim Carrey): [KNOCK] [KNOCK] [KNOCK] [KNOCK] "Cable Guy!
illegle.wav (186K)
Chip Douglas: You're offering me a bribe. What you have just done is illegal and in this state, if convicted you could receive a fine of up to five thousand dollars or spend six months in a correctional facilulululity. Steven Kovacs (Matthew Broderick): Oh please no, that was dumb. I was just making conversation.
illjuice.wav (93K)
Chip: (laughing) I'm just jerking your chain. I'll juice you up.
brainthe.wav (43K)
Chip: Come back here so that I may brain thee!
newfriend.wav (108K)
Steve: I just don't have any room in my life for a new friend. Chip: So, what are you trying to say?
concludes.wav (29K)
Chip: This concludes our broadcast day.
Copyright © 1997, 1998 MovieWavs. All rights reserved.
Created and Maintained by Gary
West. Credits
All sounds on the The MovieWavs Page or linked from The MovieWavs Page
retain their original copyright as owned by their respective movie production
companies. All sound files are for educational, research, criticism, or
review for movie purchase purposes. The MovieWavs Page holds no liability
from misuse of these sound files. Some of the wav file contained on the
MovieWavs Page may not be suitable for young children.