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big_deal.wav (35K)
Vic Deakins(John Travolta): I don't know what the big deal is. I really don't.
250million.wav (87K)
Vic Deakins: 250 million dollars by 0900 Utah time. If not... (sound of nuclear explosion) Army Guy: Oh God!
thenukes.wav (58K)
Riley Hale(Christian Slater): Carryin' the nukes, you love having the power of God at your finger tips. Vic Deakins: Not tonight buddy.
crazy.wav (33K)
Riley: you're outta your mind. Vic Deakins: yeah aint it cool.
broken.wav (28K)
Army Guy: We've got ourselves a Broken Arrow. Presidential staff: A broken what?
coke.wav (14K)
Vic Deakins: Care for a Coke or somethin'
you_lose.wav (8K)
Vic Deakins: You lose!
term_for.wav (51K)
staff: I don't know what's scarier: losing nuclear weapons or that it happens so often that there's actually a term for it.
welldone.wav (30K)
Vic Deakins: Very nicely done! Almost as good as me.
weapons.wav (45K)
Vic Deakins: Would you mind not shooting at the thurmo-nuclear weapons.
ticking.wav (16K)
Vic Deakins: The clock is ticking
mindworks.wav (26K)
Riley: I know how his mind works. You gotta let me go after him.
nuclear.wav (30K)
Vic Deakins: You just activated a nuclear warhead my friend.
Copyright © 1997, 1998 MovieWavs. All rights reserved.
Created and Maintained by Gary
West. Credits
All sounds on the The MovieWavs Page or linked from The MovieWavs Page
retain their original copyright as owned by their respective movie production
companies. All sound files are for educational, research, criticism, or
review for movie purchase purposes. The MovieWavs Page holds no liability
from misuse of these sound files. Some of the wav file contained on the
MovieWavs Page may not be suitable for young children.