Ace Ventura (Jim Carrey): Allrighty then! alright2.wav(98K) Ace: Ahhhhh yah yah yah yah yah yallrighty then! ass_you.wav(80K) Ace's Butt: Excuse me. I'd like to ass you a few questions. baby.wav(108K) Ace: (Ace talks in baby talk to a poodle.) come_to.wav(41K) Ace: Come to me jungle friends. cptnwink.wav(23K) Ace: He found Captain Winky. do_not.wav(82K) Ace: Do not go in there! Whooooo! doctor.wav(38K) Ace: For God's sake, I'm a doctor not a poolman. finkle.wav(62K) Ace: Hi, I'm looking for Ray Finkle, (Gunshot) and a clean pair of shorts. laughter.wav(30K) Ace: (Look at the title. That is what it is.) likaglv.wav(22K) Ace: Llllike a glove! looser.wav(65K) Ace: Lihoo hisser (looser). party.wav(35K) Ace: Lovely party. Pitty I wasn't invited. power.wav(44K) Ace: I just can't do it captain. I just don't have the power. rubbergl.wav(41K) Ace: No, the guy with the rubber glove was surprisingly genttle. stardate.wav(291K) Ace: Captains log, stardate 23.9 rounded off to the nearest decimal point. We traveled back in time to save an ancient species from total anialation. So far, no signs of apparent life, but I'm going to find it. If I have to tear this universe another black hole, I'm going to find it. I've got to mister still911.wav(68K) Ace: Hey. Maybe I'll give you a call some time. Your number still 911? Allrighty then! testicle.wav(33K) Ace: Holy Testicle Tuesday! um_sure.wav(48K) Ace: Gee, let me think. Um sure. (sound of zipper) yummy.wav(18K) Ace: Yummy!
Created and Maintained by Gary West. Credits ![]() |