I have just started getting into paintball, and love it. It is one of the most exciting and addictive sports that I have ever played. I recently SOLD! my Bruizer Pro. I have probably put over 1500 shots through it, and only had one barrell break.
I just upgraded to an Angel! It's a Black Angel, running on a 68ci Nitro Duck. For those unfamiliar with the Angel, it is an electropneumatic gun which is controlled by a computer chip. I don't think I will ever be able to go back to a regular paintball marker. The trigger pull is so light on my angel that is is less than a keystroke on a keyboard.
I am now a member of the Online Angel Organization which is a group for Angel Owners. I am member #210
I have started a team to play in a few tournaments. Check out our team page
Contact me
Here is a picture of those who participated in the last event. I was lucky enough to play in a private game with a large number of players, and think that is great for beginners. I most likely would have been knocked out of games very quickly if I played against experienced players.
Here are some links to paintball sites I have used in my research:
Nu Line Industries, makers of the Bruizer Series
Kingman, Makers of the Spyder Series
Online Angel Organization
WDP Makers of the Angel