Hello and Welcome to Muncy`s Home Page

Firstly let me tell you a bit about myself. I am a 21 year old student studying computer science at Salford University, I have recently finished a years placement in industry at Fujitsu ICL in Bracknell and am now studying for my final year.

Hopefully all you people viewing this page are prospective employers so here is my CV for you to take a look at.

My main hobbies include :-

I have been collecting cd`s since late 1990 and have amassed a reasonable sized collection that I quite proud of although some of mates would have you believe that its a complete bag of shite.
I am a keen sports fan and have been for quite some time, my favourite sport is football and I am a rather large Manchester United fan. As far as playing goes I try to do so as often as possible which is usually two or three times a week.
I am also a big fan of numerous science fiction programmes and try to keep up with the latest shows as much as possible which aint always easy with me living on the U.K. (wrong ?!?!?) side of the pond.

Ok I can hear you all shouting shut the hell up all were interested in is how good your links page is, well ok here you go all my favourite Links if any of them are out of date please email me and tell me and shall update or delte them as appropriate.

This Page was last updated on 14/11/97 but is ALWAYS under construction !

My email address in order of preference are :-

Muncy #:->~

The Few The Proud The GATB
Reticula ?......................Probably.

Hits Since 28/07/97

All Done Bye Bye.