Thirteen.. It's not just a number, anymore ..!

[Topic of the Month]--[Trivia of the Month]--[Quote of the Month]--[Stories]--[Links]
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Welcome to Thirteen (13). This site is dedicated to the Mysteries of the unknown.

For some people the number thirteen is not just a number, it's a symbol. A symbol of good luck for a few or perhaps a symbol of bad luck. Did you know that some Hotels and Apartments do not have a thirteenth floor? Strange that just a number would instill such fear and anxiety. The question is ... which one are you?
Are you superstitious? Do you avoid crossing the path of a black cat, walking under a ladder, or breaking a mirror? Do you believe that crossing your fingers, rubbing a rabbits foot, or knocking on wood will bring you good luck? If so, then this is the place for you.

Come with us and explore the Mysteries of the Unknown.

Thirteen...(13) Topic of the Month.

This Month's topic is Magical Enchantment. We are looking for Haunting tales, Chills by the fire light and Mythical Adventures... Do you have a tale to tell? Send it to us and we will supply you with the ability to tell your tale... See Below for Submition Guidelines...

, Moon Phases ... Here's a list of all of the Moon Phases up to the year 2014 and the Seasons. If you need to know when the next Full Moon is try here.

 The Encyclopedia Mythica... An Encyclopedia on Mythology, Folklore, Mysticism, and more...

WitchCraft Archives... This site is based upon historical facts. Constructed as an archive it serves as a site concerned with historical and anthropological research, which includes excerpts from books and other historical material dealing with Witchcraft.

WitchCraft... Yea the verie word Magus, which is Latine for magician, is translated a witch; and yet it was hertofore alwaies taken in the good part. And at this daie it is indifferent to saie in the English toong; She is a witch; or, She is a wise woman.
from The Discoverie of Witchcraft, Reginald Scot, 1584.

The Wiccan Netbook of Shadows... The Wiccan Netbook of Shadows was designed and compiled by Wyn. Any comments, contributions, or inquiries pertaining to this site should be directed to her at..

The Witching Hours...
This page is a starting point for research into the great witch craze of 1100-1700 AD. If you came here looking for information on wiccan and neo-pagan beliefs, you've come to the wrong place. Stick around, though. I'm sure you'll find it interesting.

Thirteen...(13) Trivia of the Month.

The Ominous Thirteen... So persistent is the superstition surrounding the number thirteen that many hotels continue to omit a thirteenth floor. Some local jurisdictions never designate thirteen as a street-address number, and wary hosts avoid having a dinner party consisting of thirteen guests.

Aliens Cure Cancer... Even though elections are over, we have some special news trivia for all of you. CANDIDATE SAYS CANCER CURED BY ALIENS IN FLYING SAUCER.

Sightings... This is a link to Sci. Fi. Channels Sightings... Dealing with Aliens and the Paranormal. This site is updated every week with new tales of the Strange and Other Unearthly Encounters... Open the door... And step INSIDE...

Friday the 13th... For some this is a day of bad possibilites and for others it may be their lucky day...
So how many Friday the 13th's remain between now and the year 2000 ?

The answer is 3 more Friday the 13th's remain...
Ok, you might be wondering when they are...
March 1998.....Nov. 1998.....Aug. 1999.....
And there is one in the year 2000 as well.. It will be in October...

Thirteen...(13) Quote of the Month. (If you have a qoute or saying submit it to us....)

This Months Quote...

" Daddy, why is the floppy disk not sticking to the magnet? ".
by: A Conserned Father

Last Months Quote...

" Who's General Failure & why's he reading my disk? "..
by: No Brains

Thirteen...(13) Strange Tales, Stories and Poetry. (If you have one submit it to us....)

The Mystic's Dream... This is from a song by Loreena McKennitt, one our favorite singers.

Armageddon... A small contribution by Bob...

Torge... Kim's description of the Big Bang Theory...

It's ok to hate your pet Dragon... Kim's advice on pet Dragons and their sometimes interesting relationships with their owner...Watch out for the sequel...

Forgotten Dreams... Kara seems to have a problem remembering things... Like her name. Will she find out why before she forgets everything? A short story by Karen D. Morton...

The Closed Shuttlecraft... A reporter, who longs to do "hard news," finds herself floating through the Asteroid Belt in a tiny life shuttle. Her life depends on seasoned spacers who don't trust her. Her only hope is that help will arrive before her air runs out! A short story by Karen D. Morton...

Scary Stories In both of these stories the thing that convinced me was this: they both became extremely terrified with the retelling of what happened. They were quite uneasy about it and I admit I had to do a lot of prodding. Neither of these people were known to tell "stories" like this. Story submitted by: Mark...

More To Come, Soon...

Thirteen...(13) Link Section. Yes, there are 13 links...



..SuperNatural..- ..ANGELS..- ..MYSTICAL CREATURES..



Thirteen...(13) Submition Guidelines.

We are looking for anyone who wants to share a story, real or make believe, about anything matching the topics of this page. Limit the size to a maximum of 30k and please send in ASCII text or as a Web Page file...( .htm, .html ). These stories will be listed on this page and be made available to anyone who wants to read them. If you want you can attach a description about the story (limit it to a paragraph size) with the story so readers will know what it is about. If you have any questions feel free to E-Mail us. Thanks for any contributions sent. Send to the E-Mail address: ............................Bob & Kim

[Topic of the Month]-
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If you have a site that you think would be a nice addition to this page please contact us at our E-mail address listed below.

This page was last updated Feburary 14, 1998...

This Web-Counter says you are Lost Soul  to find thier way here.. Since December 28, 1997...

Contact us at our E-Mail address: Bob & Kim

Thanks for your support.... Bob & Kim ...Copyright © 1998 ... Insanity Inc. "Putting you in touch with reality"...