We are looking for Haunting
tales, Chills by the fire light and Mythical Adventures... Do you have
a tale to tell? Send it to us and we will supply you with the ability to
tell your tale... See Below for Submition
, Moon
Phases ... Here's a list of all of the
Moon Phases up to the year 2014 and the Seasons. If you need to know when
the next Full Moon is try here.
The Encyclopedia
Mythica... An Encyclopedia on Mythology,
Folklore, Mysticism, and more...
Archives... This site is based upon historical facts. Constructed as
an archive it serves as a site concerned with historical and anthropological
research, which includes excerpts from books and other historical material
dealing with Witchcraft.
Yea the verie word Magus, which is Latine for magician, is translated a
witch; and yet it was hertofore alwaies taken in the good part. And at
this daie it is indifferent to saie in the English toong; She is a witch;
or, She is a wise woman.
from The Discoverie of Witchcraft, Reginald
Scot, 1584.
The Wiccan Netbook of Shadows...
The Wiccan Netbook of Shadows was designed and compiled by Wyn. Any comments, contributions, or inquiries pertaining
to this site should be directed to her at.. netbook@geocities.com...
Witching Hours... This page is a starting
point for research into the great witch craze of 1100-1700 AD. If you came
here looking for information on wiccan and neo-pagan beliefs, you've come
to the wrong place. Stick around, though. I'm sure you'll find it interesting.