Not Everything That Sucks Is Bad!

What is a Vampire?
Vam·pire (vám' pïr) n. A prenatural being
in the common belief of the re-animated corpse
of a person, improperly buried, supposed to suck
the blood of sleeping persons at night.
---The American College Dictionary
. . . Or is it? What exactly is a vampire anyway? Some people thought they knew . . .
Kindred is based on the White-Wolf RPG, Vampire: the Masquerade. It takes place in San Francisco, and involves the five major clans of Kindred - Ventrue, Brujah, Toreador, Gangrel and Nosferatu. To learn more about Kindred, visit these Kindred links:

Forever Knight is a show about Nick Knight - a thirteenth century vampire who wants to become mortal again. He joined the police force to repay society for his sins. Go visit some of these cool Forever Knight links to learn more about it: