Hi! Again. Welcome to the GUESTBOOK domain :o)) Just kidding. I like guestbooks, 'cause you can read what other people think in them. So I just had to get one when I had the chance :o)

syberrrdez - 10/11/99 16:41:16

Gyertek beszelgessunk!!! Nem reg inditottam egy Yahoo klubot, magyaroknak. A kluban van faliujsag, fotoalbum, hirek, linkek, chat, naptar. Termeszetesen mind hasznalhato a tagok szamara. Tagjaink a vilag minden reszebol szarmaznak, es termeszetesen Magyarorszagrol is. Belepes egyszeru, csak feliratkozol a Yahoo "free mail"-re, akor kapsz egy hasznalo nevet. A hasznalo nevvel lehet feliratkozni a kluba. A feliratkozaseol ertesitenek az uj Yahoo mailen keresztul. Varom latogatasod, es remelem hogy tagjaink koze lepsz. Ha tetszik masokat is meghivhatsz. I have started a new club, "Hungarians in the World" check it out, and make this club the meeting point for Hungarians from around the world. You can leave masages in Hungarian, English or any language,possibly some of us will speak it. Lots of photos of Hungary, customized news link, and interesting links and people http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/hungariansintheworld If you a Yahoo member, to become a member of this club, just go to theWeb address below: http://edit.clubs.yahoo.com/config/sjg?.k=D4E3736eb70EjgOs Sok szerencset, Dez.

wisam - 06/11/99 03:22:20
My Email:wisameliraqi@hotmail.com
Your Favourite Movie: earser
Your Favourite Band: non

you are the best.

Anton - 06/08/99 23:24:43
My Email:konovalov_anton@hotmail.com
Your Favourite Movie: Pulp Fiction
Your Favourite Band: Fat boy slim

Ne znayu chto skazat Poka esho ne posmotrel no nachalo normalnoe

DiMaggio - 06/07/99 10:05:07
My URL:http://netu
My Email:dimaboy@hotmail.com

Privet iz Estonii :-)

Jean-martin - 06/06/99 20:57:04
My URL:http://www.marsna-jamborette.cobweb.nl
My Email:None
Your Favourite Movie: Mr bean
Your Favourite Band: None

I just looked at your site, there are a lot of interessting links to visit. Thanks for sharing. Greeting JM

KOT - 06/04/99 10:05:50
Your Favourite Movie: can't tellya so suddenly
Your Favourite Band: no more since last 2 albums of Metallica

U have pretty good pages, Ginka!!!

KOT - 06/04/99 09:58:57
Your Favourite Movie: Can't tellya so suddenly
Your Favourite Band: No more, since last 2 albums of Metallica

U have prety good pages, Ginka! It was MadVovx

ladyluck - 04/28/99 20:26:25
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/PramPlaza/ladyluck73


Vlad - 03/23/99 02:43:59
My Email:ICQ#30846610
Your Favourite Movie: "deep rising" is ok + 100 others
Your Favourite Band: rammstein + some others

Page is ok. :o]

corvettes4me - 02/26/99 16:33:55
Your Favourite Movie: Billy Madison
Your Favourite Band: Foo Fighters

My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just Surfing, thanx

Mr. Dee - 02/16/99 13:53:45
My Email:dmargolin@mail.bcop.com
Your Favourite Movie: Top Gun
Your Favourite Band: none so far

Hi Marinka! What's up doc? Just want to give you a smile and be your friend, if you want of course. :o) Hope to see you on the i-net some day and chat with you a bit. See you later and keep smiling. Mr. Dee

Borsos László - 02/10/99 17:47:18
My Email:sasful@egon.gyaloglo.hu
Your Favourite Movie: Tanu...
Your Favourite Band: Vágtázó HalottKémek (HUN - mágikus népzene), Ghymes (SLK - "world music"), Odpisani (SLO - partizan HC)

Szia Gina! A Skyex-en találtam meg a honlapod címét és megfelelőnek tartom arra, hogy gratuláljak hozzá. Továbbá szeretnék neked és a vendégkönyvedet olvasóknak egy két címet a figyelmébe: www.mediastorm.hu/vhk és a www.mediastorm.hu/grandpierre. Ez utóbbin a világ megmentéséről találhatóak írások Titokfejtő kör címszó alatt. Üdvözlök mindenkit!

ROBERT - 02/10/99 04:20:25
My Email:bikapata@interlog.com

Letezel te egyaltalan ? Miert nem beszelsz velem az ICQ-n ? (BPeru)

Cool - 01/29/99 23:40:24
My Email:cool@cool.com
Your Favourite Movie: Titanic
Your Favourite Band: DiCaprio

Who the fuck is Gina? I really want to know.

tiffany cooper - 01/11/99 16:54:13

whos your daddy?

tiffany - 01/11/99 16:52:25


Robert - 12/28/98 19:32:36
My Email:bikapata@interlog.com
Your Favourite Movie: The Good The Bad And The Ugly
Your Favourite Band: The Vibrators

Who are you baby ?

Jay..or Birdie as you call me - 10/27/98 23:47:11
My URL:http://fly.to/Jaybird
My Email:sflyingjay@yahoo.com
Your Favourite Movie: As of now X-Files!
Your Favourite Band: Hrm..How bout the South Flying Ducks! hehe

Hey...don't be mad!! I'm sorry! I got to talking with my mom and her boyfriend....I'll explain later! I like your new page! It rawks!! Hugz! Bye bye Jaybird' or Sfjay...whatever

Gina - 10/27/98 18:33:44
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/campus/psychology/733/index.html
My Email:cicamica@rocketmail.com
Your Favourite Movie: Aliens, Titanic, T2, others...
Your Favourite Band: Aerosmith, G'n'R, Metallica

Well I'm writing in my own guestbook that's pretty pathetic but not really coz all I wanna do is let whoever reads this know that I got a brand new web site and it's kool. Ilikeit. The address is above but be warned it might contain offensive material ( o porn, sorry..)

Peti - 10/26/98 21:43:40
My Email:willen@dpg.hu


Csubi - 10/26/98 16:20:33
My Email:csubi@hotmail.com
Your Favourite Movie: Clerks, Aliens, Das Boot
Your Favourite Band: Pink Floyd, Big Wreck

Szia!!!!!!!!!! Write a letter, say hi!! I live in Vancouver BC

Bela Rozsahegyi - 10/24/98 20:28:11
My URL:http://www.irisz.hu/~rb
My Email:rb@irisz.hu
Your Favourite Movie: Intersceptor, X and Y files
Your Favourite Band: Queen, Koral...

Szia Gina !!! Megneztem a weboldalaid, de csak sajna ketto mukodott. Amit lattam, az nagyon szuper, csak igy tovabb :))))

10/23/98 09:11:20
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Aniko - 10/18/98 17:53:23
My URL:/SoHo/Coffeehouse/3541
My Email:aniko_s@yahoo.com
Your Favourite Movie: Braveheart
Your Favourite Band: Lots

Hello Gina! Tudtam,hogy tetszeni fog a honlapod:)! Sok szerencset a tovabbiakban!

sflyingjay - 10/18/98 05:38:58
My URL:http://fly.to/Jaybird
My Email:sflyingjay@yahoo.com
Your Favourite Movie: Either any Star Trek (Yes I'm a trekkie rofl) or any Sean Connery movie!
Your Favourite Band: Toss up between Metallica or Bon Jovi


Aniko Szucs - 08/28/98 06:10:35
My URL:www.geocities.com/SoHo/Coffeehouse/3541/index.html
My Email:aniko_s@yahoo.com
Your Favourite Movie: Braveheart
Your Favourite Band: uhm.. lots

Hey. You don't know me, but you have the same last name as me so that's how I found you on the KiKi search thing.. great page, email me sometime (if you want)

- 07/03/98 02:08:24


ToyBox - 05/13/98 18:26:17
My Email:ToyBox1@hotmail.com
Your Favourite Movie: Pink Floyd - The Wall
Your Favourite Band: Portishead/3rd Eye Blind/Pink Floyd

Hello Gina.... I'm a friend of Jeff's and I see you in school all the time, if you want me to say Hi I will?? Toy Box(Jon)

Jeff Ridout - 05/13/98 18:17:52
My Email:green_nebula@yahoo.com
Your Favourite Movie: Star Trek 8-First Contact
Your Favourite Band: Savage Garden (sort of)

Hello Gina, c'est moi, la computer haker extrodinair! How ya doin? Well I went through your web site and all the links, pretty cool. I think i almost won on the click ball thing, oh well. See ya! Jeff Ridout The last hope for the survival of the human race!

George Szucs - 04/22/98 00:19:50
My Email:szucs@total.net
Your Favourite Movie: Forest Gump
Your Favourite Band: U2

Great last name you have!!!!!

Christian Szabo - 04/08/98 22:09:21
My Email:HUNTER-X@netcom.ca
Your Favourite Movie: Schindler's List
Your Favourite Band: Enigma, AC/DC, Crystal Method

Gina :-) Tok jok a linkek! De meg latom hogy nincs kesz. Meg nem voltam a masik lapjaidnal, szoval most megnezem azokat is. De, eleg csucs!

Gina - 04/07/98 21:53:31

This is a test

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