Welcome to the page about me, Ashaya!!!

Full Name: Ashaya~Mistu Etosha Extian Babiuk
Age: 13
Birthday: May 13 1986, 2:30 am
Birthplace: Scarborough Grace Hopital, Scarborough, Ontario,
Parents: Mom, Katherine Anne, Dad, Ugo Emanuel
Siblings: Sisters, Tamara, Arisa, Brother, Odebo
Pets: 4 cats, Mittens, Playful, Snowy, and Trixie


Fav Colour:
Baby blue and orange
Fav T.V. Show: The Rosie O'donnell Show, Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Fav Movies: Armageddon, Dick, Now and Then
Fav Radio Station: Kiss 92.5 FM
Fav Music Group: Backstreet Boys
Fav Member of BSB: Brian Thomas Littrell
Fav Song: Don't Want You Back-BSB
Fav Food: Chicken Wings
Fav Game: Porky (Card game), and Yahtzee
Fav Sport: Soccer, and Basketball
Fav Ice Cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Fav Books: Clearwater Crossing Series-Laura Peyton Roberts
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