Joe D's Home Page


The Most Beautiful Woman in the World

Mrs Hillary Rodham Clinton

excuse me...

Hillary Rodham Clinton

UPDATED 16 Great Pictures added MAY 2001

NEW Screencaps from Hillary on MSNBC's Headliners and Legends added

Now don't go into a fit without reading my justification for such a statement. The facts are, that beauty can, and often is, described as a combination of power, intelligence, sophistication, and personality. If that is the case then, Hillary Rodham Clinton truly is just what I have stated.

So now, she's a US Senator. No other First Lady in history even came close to that accomplishment. What's next for Hillary ? Need you ask. Think Big White House.
I think Hillary is brilliant.

You can search forever and never find a page of images DEDICATED to Hillary collected from the net. So I thought it fit, with my admiration of her, that I should be the first (And I was).

These pages, as well as the images contained herein, were compiled in admiration for Mrs Clinton, and in NO WAY are meant to embarrass her. There are no altered, lewd, or embarrassing photos. These are wholesome images of our First Lady and would interest only true admirers.

PS .... If Hillary decides to run for PRESIDENT, she'd have my vote and my support.


Through the unfavorable comments I receive each day, it appears that some disagree with my opinions. From the way I see it, that, of course, is your choice. For the opinions you hold, I neither condemn, verbally assault, or bother you in any way. Yet, some of these detractors feel it their right to deny me both my opinion, and my opportunity to express it. To those, I simply ask that they revisit their intent. I have not forced anyone to come here and enter this site. There are even some that I would suggest they seek serious counseling.

It was once said, "I may not agree with a word that you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it." This is simply all that I ask. If you do not like what you see, simply LEAVE NOW.

Favorable comments can be directed to me here. I ask that unfavorable ones be toned in an intelligent and unemotional manner. Simply state your opinion as such and be done with it. I ALWAYS welcome intelligently constructed emails, regardless of their opinion. Those who wish to write simply to insult are not welcome and will be deleted. Those of a threatening nature will be 'bounced' to the webmaster of the incoming service provider. The use of profanity and threats thru email is illegal and will be dealt with as such.

Winner of the Academic Excellence Award from STUDY WEB:


Picture Page 1 updated Aug 8, 1999

I added a new counter on 12/12/96 that is server based, and MUCH more accurate. The counter was roughly at 75,000 until Hillary hinted about her senate run in 1999. It ran to over 1 million by November 2000, when I removed it.

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