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Check out Rowan College of NJ's first ever Graphic Design/Illustration On-line Senior Show.

Get Netscape 4.04 My Web Philosophy: A Web page is like a front yard. You can put anything you want on it, but you can't keep the neighborhood kids from running around all over it.

As with anything in this constantly evolving virtual world, this page is always under contruction. (At least when I have time to keep it up.) There are many things that I'd like to do with this page, but the limitations of disk space on my account here at school limits those options to but a choice few.

About Me:

Click here to see where I live.
That's about all there is of any significant interest. If you want to know more, contact me.


Many of them are sites to find Tori Amos related things (picts, sound files, movie files, interviews, etc.). If you know of a Tori page that's not on the list, e-mail me and I'll add it.
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© 1997 Bryan E. Sampieri (Except where otherwise noted.)
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