

Second entry

By Lestat



This was amazing. I really couldn’t believe so many things had gone by. My life seemed to have taken an U-turn, and coming from an X-woman, this was something to see.


So many things had happened since Scott and I left the X-Men, "for good". Yeah, right. After Bastion's minions almost killed my hubby, and after the arrival of the " All New, All different" X-Men, things seemed to settle for a while. Of course, it wouldn't last.


Scott, Hank, Warren and Bobby, they all worry about my taking up the Phoenix identity again. They think everything of me, form being mind-controlled by Madeline Prior, (thanks for bringing her back, Nate, we suuurreee missed her!!) to PMS. But they don't know the truth.




How could I not take up the "risen from the ashes" identity again, when my girl is growing in my womb? How could I not?


Today, after a long time, I told Scott the news. He seemed everything, from relieved to upset. He cried, I've seldom seen him cry. Not even after Onslaught, and rarely when remembering his parents.


And I didn't tell him the worst of it.


I can feel my baby girl's mind reaching out to me. If it comes to that, I may not survive this pregnancy.

But God forgive me, my girl will be born


Jean Grey

June 29th, 1998