DISCLAIMER: The X-Men are the property of Marvel Comics. These are works of fanfiction written for entertainment purposes only.
These are my fanfiction stories.I hope you enjoy them, and I love feedback, so please tell me waht you think.
When you're done, be sure to check out the rest of Lestat's Tavern
AT LAST!!!! The next chapter in the Jean X-Entry is here!!! Tell me what you think! Best of luck, Lestat
Best of luck
TThe next chapter in JEan's X-Entry, the most requested story of all!!!
This is my first story, Rogue's letter to Santa
This is my new series, X-Entries, dealing with various X-Characters
This is my first fanfic, and it deals with the Phoenix entity
This is my first Subreality Cafe story, Live and Learn
VISIT THIS!!! It's my first X-S story, thanks to Darqstar for lending me her character
My second subreality cafe story: On Becoming Real!
This is a parody of the X-S series by Darqstar
Another new story: Professor X:Dream VS Reality. Enjoy!
This is my favorite X-Men fanfiction archive page: Shifting Sands!
Soon I will have a minisection for the people to feel Lestat´s touch, and they willbe the ones to hit the page every 100 times. So, if you´re number *100, let me know!