Anne Rice is, by far, my favorite author. I discovered her books through the movie Interview with The Vampire", and have loved her books ever since.

My favorite are, of course, the Vampire Chronicles. They tell the tale of Lestat, whom I consider the greatest fictional character ever. Just check out my name if you don’t believe he is my favorite.

The Vampire Chronicles are, to date, five books: Interview with the Vampire, The Vampire Lestat, The Queen of the Damned, The Tale of the Body Thief, and Memnoch the Devil. This page will include quotes on the latter two. This is not meant as a copyright infringement, but rather, a tribute. No money is made off this, and it’s written for entertainment purposes. All material in this quote pages is copyright Anne Rice.

If you too love Anne Rice and have more quotes, I’d love to hear them! Especially from the first three books. E-Mail them to me! Below are the covers of the five books in the Vampire Chronicles collection

Check out some Anne Rice quotes!

Some quotes from The Tale of the Body Thief
More quotes from The Tale of the Body Thief
Check out some quotes from Memnoch the Devil
Check out the Thirteen Revelations of Evolution, from Memnoch the Devil
More quotes from Memnoch the Devil
The Thirteen Revelations of Evolution
Check out the official Anne Rice homepage
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