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WeLcOmE tO tHe ArTiClEs pAgE!!If u WaNnA HaVe YoUr aRtIcLeS aBoUt 911 pUt Up HeRe,PleASe e-MaiL Me oKiE??ANyWheRe..HapPy rEaDiNg!!

The day I met 911 in Kota Kinabalu!!-- byJasmine

Hi fellow fans!

Let me share with you this incredible but true experience of mine!I came home on that Saturday morning, 17th May 1997, to an unusually noisy house.As I stepped in, my mum rushed up to me and announced the unbelievable news, "Guess what? We're going to pick 911 up from the hotel!" I looked at her as if she was crazy and stopped breathing for a few seconds..."You're kiddin'right?" (of course hopping she wasn’t). My mom shook her head slowly back and forth and started to tell me how the promotion manager who was dealing with 911, the new British pop group sensation, here in Sabah is a personal friend and needed help with the transport and everything. So in other words we were actually going to meet them and be totally involved in everything they do here in K.K! The reality of it finally sanked in and I screamed and screamed and screamed until my baby brother Andre started crying!!

The next day, at 1:30p.m we started to go to the hotel in 2 cars.The first glimpse I had of them was when they were coming out of their press conference to sign autograghs for fans.I just stood back in satisfaction as I knew I didn't have to fight with the others like a normal fan because I was going to meet them personally later!

They were then rushed off to their rooms to change and get ready for their show at the Karamunsing Complex.We (my dad, mum and I) then met their tour manager and he told us where to wait for them so they wouldn’t get mobbed by fans on the way out. So we obeyed and waited.Then they came.....Jimmy first, then Lee, then Spike.They shook my hand and we introduced ourselves. I was suprisingly calm and acted really normal. I wanted to go in dad's car with them but unfortunately there wasn't enough space as their tour manager had to be with them....sigh...I guess you can't have everything!!

We drove off in different cars with me and EMI's promotion manager in one car with my mum and the guys with my dad. We had to go all the way to the top floor of the complex to avoid fans(even though some still managed to find out they were going there!). Then we went down the stairs to the ground floor in order for them to appear from the back of the stage.While backstage they started warming up and stretching their legs.I could see Lee's mouth mumbling his lines and I asked Spike if he was nervous. He said"nah...we've done this a hundred times!"(he still looked kinda nervous to me!) I then asked Lee if he wanted to say a few lines in Malay.He said sure and asked me to write it down for him. So I wrote down ‘Terima Kasih (Thank you), ‘Apa Khabar’ (How are you)and ‘Kami cintamu’ (We love you’) for him.Then I had to teach him how to pronounce it properly! He was so cute trying to get the accent right! He kept telling me:"remind me again before I get on!"

They went on a stage with a bang! The crowd went crazy and I really got pushed and shoved!The stage was moving as everyone was trying in vain to touch the guys and come closer to the stage. They had to stop in the middle of ‘Bodyshakin' (their first song) and we all went backstage again.They were sweating so much and unfortunately I only had one clean face towel with me which Jimmy took to use.Lee asked for one but by that time my towel was full of Jimmy's sweat!! Lee at once shooked his head and said "that's alright…."

Their tour manager came in at that moment and told them of the situation.He told them that they couldn't go out with a kick otherwise the fans will start pushing again. It took awhile to settle the crowd and the guys were trying to keep focus. Imagine trying to concentrate while outside was chaos! But finally is was ok so they went out calmly and re-started with‘Don't Make Me Wait’. The show was great!!

Right after they finished their last song, they rushed backstage, with me close behind and started running all the way to the top floor where my dad was already waiting for them.They quickly got inside the car and zoomed off.I followed behind in the other car. Later my dad told me that he had to pass out his towels in the car as all three of them were sweating so much! He >also told me that on the way there,the three of them teased my dad about how they were going to leave some of their things in the car so that the fans will fight to get it and in the process damage the car!! They are really funny and have a great sense of humour! I’m not sure my dad appreciates it though as I saw him checking his car several times! Ha! ha!

We got back to the hotel, and the guys went to their rooms to shower and change. They looked so fresh and good when they came down. We had a drink together and I had a real good chat with >Lee.I asked him what he thought of us Malaysian fans and he had only one word: "They're mad!!" (make that two words!!). But he did say that we are more polite compared to the English fans!! He then asked me if we have sweet and sour chicken here as he had a craving for it,and sweet corn soup.Naturaly I offered to bring him and the others to dinner that night to eat Chinese food. He agreed but unfortunately,they called me later to say that they were too tired after jet-skiing that afternoon. Bummer!! But hey,it's not everyday you get a call from Lee Brennan!

The next day, Monday was their day off and, being the conciderate person I am (ahem!ahem!), I knew they needed privacy and would want to relax on their day off. Though now that I think of it...I kinda wish I had spent more time with them! The following day, I met them again as we had to help them check out and send them to the airport. As their tour manager and my dad were doing the checking-out, we all went into Spike's room and chatted while watching a really gory Demi Moore movie. Lee and Jimmy then told me of how they had a phone-call at 7 that morning which was really annoying! Jimmy even demonstrated how he ‘politely’ told the operator that he needed his beauty sleep and firmly put the phone own!! Ha!ha! Good for him!They’d already told the reception that they won't be receiving any calls but they still wouldn't listen!

I asked Lee if all this was worth it and without hesitation he replied "yes!" This is all he's ever wanted to be as a lot of other people would love to be in his shoes right now. They even asked me about myself and were really humble when I told them that the next time they come, they'll be playing in stadiums.Lee said they hope so as they still have a lot of work to do. All three of them were really sun-burnt after spending their free day jet-skiing and sun-bathing.When asked if they could still dance and perform,Spike said"I'll dance no matter what, I'll even dance on a broken leg! Done that once!" Lee answered "Of course,once I get on stage,I forget everything else!." Poor Lee couldn't smile that day as his face was too sun-burnt to do so. But all three were still very obliging to the fans that were at the lobby and posed for a few photos.

They were in rooms 9116 (Jimmy), 9117(Spike), and 9118 (Lee). In this particular hotel, which is in the new wing, all rooms start with the guys were actually staying below the lobby. They all have their own rooms and told of how wherever thay go,they are put into rooms 911! Which to them is really silly as the fans are sure to know where they are!!

There was quite a crowd at the airport and the guys couldn't get out of the car at once.In order to say goodbye properly, I reached in the car and shook their hands. Jimmy thanked me for my help and Lee and Spike said that they'll see me soon.(I sincerely hope so!!). Then, they got out of the car and disappeared into the crowd of crazy fans.There they went and as Lee puts it, "Well, Hong Kong here we come!"( They went to Hong Kong right after they left here.

Well,that's my story.I gave them each an 'orang-utan' t-shirt and hope that they'll still remember Sabah whenever they wear it. Lee mentioned that he's received 45 t-shirts now!!.......sigh......let's just say it was an experience of a lifetime! I've never met stars as humble and down-to-earth as 911 and I really hope they make it big! If anyone deserves it more it's Lee, Jimmy and Spike!