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Aug. 13, 2003: As most of you probably know, Port Charles is going off the air in early Oct. If anyone is interested in obtaining a videotape of the pilot, which initially aired on a Sunday night in a two-hour time slot, I can make copies. Cost is $7 including postage within the U.S. I will also send to Canada, but keep in mind that postage costs will be higher. E-mail graffiti3333@hotmail.com and PLEASE mention that you are asking about the PC pilot tape.
I also have ONE copy of the official PC fan club newsletter from Oct. of 2000. It is more than 20 pages long and contains trivia, interviews with actors, etc. If you are in the U.S. (or Canada) and send $2 to cover postage, you can have it. Again, e-mail graffiti3333@hotmail.com and say you are interested in the PC newsletter.

Recent Additions

  • Port Charles @ Soapsite--spoilers, photos, news, and a message board.
  • Michael Easton: Actor, Author, Director, Poet--Caleb/Michael.
  • Kiko Ellsworth.com--Jamal. Official site.

  • General Sites
    ABC Daytime--Port Charles--good official site, with photos, recaps, news, etc.
    Daytime Soap Operas: Port Charles
    GH2 Online--polls, recaps, spoilers, much more.
    IMDB--PC--credits, miscellaneous info.
    Soap Zone
    Chat Rooms
    MediaDomain Port Charles Chat
    Yahoo! Chat Calendar
    Chat Transcripts
    Soap Opera Digest
    Fan Fiction
    The GH Fanfic Castle
    Laura's Port Charles Fan Fiction
    Port Charles Fanfic
    Port Charles Online Fan Fiction Board
    Port Charles Stories
    GH2 Online
    Message Boards
    ABC--Port Charles
    Coffeerooms Port Charles Board
    Port Charles Discussion Group (MediaDomain)
    SoapZone Boards
    Amy's PC and GH Sound Archive
    ABC Daytime--Port Charles
    GH2 Online
    Soap Zone
    TV Guide
    RateItAll: Port Charles
    Joe and Karen Super Site--general quotes.
    ABC--Port Charles
    GH2 Online
    TV Guide
    GH2 Online
    Lilac's PC and GH Soap Stop
    TV Guide
    Port Charles Transcripts--full text, June 1998-May 1999 only.
    Videotape Trading
    SoapZone Tape Trading Board
    General Cast/Character Sites
    ABC Daytime--Port Charles--cast bios.
    IMDB--PC--cast list/credits.

    Current Cast
    Thorsten Kaye (Ian)
    Thorsten Kaye.com
    Nolan North (Chris)
    Nolan North Net
    Carly Schroeder (Serena)
    Carly Schroeder's Web Site
    Official Carly Schroeder Website and Fan Club
    Kin Shriner (Scott)
    Kin Shriner/Scotty Baldwin Guardian Headquarters

    Former Cast
    Kimberlin Brown (Rachel)
    Helena's Unofficial Kimberlin Brown Homepage
    Maree Cheatham (Charlene)
    Maree Cheatham
    Michael Dietz (Joe)
    Virginia's Michael Dietz Page
    Anastasia Horne (Lark)
    The Anastasia Connection
    Official Anastasia Horne Fan Web Site
    Mitch Longley (Matt)
    Mitch Longley Web Page

    Character Sites
    Chris and Karen Online
    Simply Irresistible: Chris Ramsey and Eve Lambert
    The Unofficial Scott and Eve Online Fan Club
    Julie and Frank Fanatics
    Joe and Karen Super Site
    Chris and Karen Online
    Kevin and Lucy Shrine
    L and K Site
    Kin Shriner/Scotty Baldwin Guardian Headquarters
    The Unofficial Scott and Eve Online Fan Club