Sunset Beach Fan Guide FAQ
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Site FAQ
Is this site official?
No, not at all. Apparently, though, some people think it is, because I occasionally receive e-mails like the following : Please send me all the Sunset Beach episodes on videotape (even if I had every episode, they would take up more than 100 tapes); please send me autographed photos of the whole cast; I love you, Ben/Meg/Antonio/insert name here; Dear Clive Robertson/Susan Ward/Timothy Adams/insert name here, I am the #1 fan of Sunset Beach and I live at (full address given), come and visit me; and my personal favorite--why did you cancel Sunset Beach, bring it back.

How long will this site remain open?
At this time, I have no plans to close it in the foreseeable future.

Do you accept site contributions, such as photos, fan fiction, etc.?
Yes, send in whatever you have.

Sunset Beach FAQ
Has Sunset Beach been cancelled?
Yes. The last episode aired on Dec. 31, 1999 (in the U.S.)

If the show was cancelled, why are there mentions of "Sunset Beach 2000" on this site?
"Sunset Beach 2000" is a continuation of the show, written by a fan. None of the "episodes" are official, and none air on television.

Why was Sunset Beach cancelled?
Short answer: low ratings, i.e., not enough viewers. Why were the ratings low? A combination of factors: Not all NBC affiliates aired the show, it was shown at varying times in different markets, it can be hard for a new program to gain an audience, the stories/characters did not appeal to many viewers, take your pick.

Is there any way to get the show back on the air?
Being realistic: no. A small number of fans are still campaigning to this end, but cancelled shows virtually never come back.

Will the show be rerun on cable?
Maybe, but there really is no news on this front yet.

What about a reunion movie?
I've heard rumors of one, but that is all they are at this point: rumors. Personally, I don't think it will happen.

What are the cast members doing now?
This information is located on the news page.

Do you have e-mail addresses for any of the cast members?
No, and if I did, I wouldn't give them out. Besides which, actors don't make their e-mail addresses public; they would be flooded with mail.

Where can I write to (xx) cast member?
I don't have current addresses for most of them. When I do find addresses, they will be posted on the news page.

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