Greetings from Gloria!

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Introduction to Gloria Pall

I would like to introduce myself as a 50's icon. It was a favorite time in my life and also the world. Now in this new milleneum I devote myself to writing books about that wonderful era and the superstars I worked with and met. I love sharing stories, and tidbits of secret information about these stars, such as Elvis and Marilyn, and my interaction with them and many others.

By appearing in many local memorabilia shows I am able to meet fans both young and old that are interested in talking to me about the fabulous 50's. I also have enjoyed the privilege of adorning hundreds of magazine covers and the fame of being a famous pin-up girl internationally. I authored a pictorial book called "Let's Get Under My Covers." The title almost says it all. It also boasts a chronological table of contents that tells what was going on in the world at the time, month and year that I appeared on these covers. There are also well over 100 photographs inside, including centerfolds from Esquire and all the Girlie magazines that are no longer here, but I am, so let's share it!

Pinup picture of Gloria

In 1954, I created a TV show called, "Voluptua." It appeared on ABC TV for 7 hot weeks. It caused such a furor that it made national headlines when I was fired. The headlines blasted boldly, VOLUPTUA FIRED FOR BEING "Too Torrid For TV!" It was just suggestive, corny not porny, but the public just couldn't handle it at the time. Look at the trash that goes on today. I would look like a "Saint" compared to today's shows.

On July 28, 1945, when the B-25 bomber crashed into the Empire State Building in New York, who do you think was working up on the 56th floor? Yep, it was "yours truly." For years they kept this aviation disaster hushed up, but on the 50th anniversary in 1995, they actually admitted it on "On this day."

All the newspapers I contacted turned me down on my eyewitness story. Finally, the NY Times sent a story to the LA Times with an accounting from an eyewitness who claimed he was in the building on that fatal day with a Mickey Mouse story that had no logic and made no sense. When I called the NY Times and told the reporter he should have used my story, he claimed he never saw it or he would have. Oh well, it was their loss. They deprived their readers of a lot of facts.

Yes, those are Gloria's legs

I spent my 16th, and part of my 17th year as an aircraft mechanic working on bombers and fighter planes in Rome, NY. I was an expert mechanic and very patriotic. By the time 1951 came along, I won a "Miss Flatbush" Beauty contest, became a model and then wound up as a Showgirl in Reno, then Las Vegas.

My life goes through a series of bright lights then dark passages with glamorous and terrifying experiences. Going back and forth to Hollywood put me in touch with the most famous and infamous people alive including royalty, and Elvis. I dated the world's most famous billionaires such as Howard Hughes. I had an active movie and TV life and my books appear in the research libraries of both USC and UCLA.

I'm working on more three more books about my earlier life and I hope you will enjoy reading about my adventures as much as I enjoyed living them. To the right is the Gloria of today. Follow the links below to find additional pictures from my past.

Fare-thee-well for now...Enjoy your life! ...and
Love, Gloria Pall
© 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000

Recent picture of Gloria
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Updated 4/8/2000

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