This is an S.O.S. distress call from
the Jupiter mining ship, Red Dwarf. The crew are dead, killed by a radiation
leak. The only survivors were Dave Lister, who was in suspended animation
during the disaster, and his pregnant cat, who was safely sealed in the
hold. Revived three million years later, Lister's only companions are a
life form which evolved from his cat and a hologrammatic simulation of
one of the ships crew. I am holly with an I.Q. of 6,000. That's the same
I.Q. as 6,000 P.E. teachers.
Lister - Brought a cat on board RED DWARF
was caught with it and went into stasis for 18 months...... He emerged
3 million years later as the only human left in the universe and the entire
crew of RED DWARF killed.
Brought back to life as a hologram Rimmer
was Listers boss on board RED DWARF although Rimmer was Listers boss he
was a second technition on board the ship and his most important duty on
board RED DWARF was "Z SHIFT", Z shift's most important task
was to ensure that the ships vending machines never ran out of Crunchie
Kryten was rescued by Lister and Rimmer.
He is the ships service mechenoid. Probably the most sane of the lot, Kryten
ensures that the ship is kept in tiptop condition while on the journey
back to earth.
The Cat
Desended from Lister's cat (who was pregnet
at the time) When there was a radiation leak aboard RED DWARF Listers cat
was safely sealed in the hull of the ship (she was pregnant at the time)
her offspring bred for 3 million years evolving to the life form pictured