If you're interested in writing fanfiction, contact me at: sammy3@ix.netcom.com

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All characters, names, and settings are property of Warner Bros. They are used here for fun and were not used in anyway to receive profit.

Author's Note

The characters in this script are not mine and no profit is made by me in any way with this writing.

I do humbly apologize to any fans of Weaver, Benton, Carter, Doyle, or some of the other "ER" gang. You must surely by now think I cannot write for any characters except Doug, Carol, and Mark! This is seriously not truly the case, but I do seem to work best with that team!


"A Matter of Confidence"
Opening Act

Scene opens in the hospital cafeteria. Mark Greene is rushing through the line of people, grappling for a cup of coffee along the way. He quickly hands the cashier his change and starts away, almost knocking over another Doctor in his way.

Raypert (reaches out to catch Mark quickly):
Easy, there, Dr. Greene!

Mark (apologetically):
Sorry, Dan! I didn't see you there!

I'm glad I ran into you, actually. Have you got a minute?

Mark (nods slowly):

(Mark steps off to the side with Dan Raypert and the two exchange quiet conversation)

Actually, Mark, I thought you of all people in this hospital would be a
little more cooperative with me, considering your personal friendship with
Doug Ross and all...

Mark (confused):
Excuse me?

Raypert (continues his tone...doesn't pick up that Mark has no idea what he's
talking about):
I mean, after all, Doug is doing this on his own. This is not a court
ordered thing or something. I'd think you would want to support his efforts.

Mark (totally confused):
Dan, I think I missed part of this conversation! WHAT are you talking

The scheduling conflicts I keep having with Doug.

Mark (trying to understand):
Scheduling conflicts?

Yeah, this is about the fifth time this month he's asked me to reschedule a session due to scheduling conflicts down in the ER. Can't you help him out a little with that? Surely you can spare him an hour?

I would be glad to give Doug all the time he needs to keep his appointments with you if I was aware that he needed the time. He's never asked me for any.

Raypert (confused):
Well, that's odd. When he called me this morning and asked to reschedule
our appointment today, I just assumed it was a problem with you.

Mark (shakes his head):
It's not a problem with me. What time is his appointment with you?

I have him scheduled for 2:30 this afternoon...

Mark (assuringly):
Well, you just keep that appointment scheduled in. I'll see that he gets there.

Raypert (smiles):
Now, that's the kind of thing I like to hear out of supervisors! I'm glad we had this little talk, Mark.

Mark (nods, with a sarcastic tone):
Oh, I am, too! More glad than you know, Dan!

Mark storms on out of the cafeteria and heads down the hall towards the ER. When he gets into the corridors, he passes Carol Hathaway and reaches out to touch her arm for attention.

Carol? Is Doug here yet?

Carol (looks around, and nods):
He's finishing up in four...

Mark (pushes past her quickly):

Carol gives Mark a bewildered look as she watches him rush on down the hall. Mark pushes open the door to the trauma unit and finds Doug picking things up from a treating a patient who has since been taken out of the room. Mark stops in the doorway and gives Doug a perturbed look.

Mark (matter-of-factly):
What's the big idea blaming me for your 'scheduling conflicts' with Raypert?

Focus on Doug as he looks up surprised and gives Mark a flustered look. Fade into the opening credit of the show and end Opening Act.

Act One