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All characters, names, and settings are property of Warner Bros. They are used here for fun and were not used in anyway to receive profit.

Doug and Carol: A Somewhat Romantic Story
By: Kathleen Bergman

Hi everyone! This is my first shot at a fan fiction story so I hope you
enjoy it. I sent this story to someone else who had previously written
an ER fan fic and she told me to go for it so that's how it ended up
here. As you can probably tell by the title I'm one of the people who
really likes the Doug/Carol stories so for those of you who are in the
same boat as me I hope you're not disappointed. Doug Ross and Carol
Hathaway are characters property of NBC etc. Please send all of your
comments to Kbergman@bitterroot.net thanks. Anyway here you go...


Act One

It is about 7:30 at night. The setting is Cook County Hospital. Carol Hathaway is in the locker room slipping on her coat and getting ready to go home. Doug Ross enters. Carol's back is to him and he just kind of stands there looking cow eyed at her. He kind of snaps out of it and walks to his locker and starts changing his clothes. Carol turns around and smiles at his back which is now turned to her.

Carol: Goodnight Doug. I guess I'll see you tomorrow.

Doug: (turns) Oh yeah. Goodnight.

Carol turns and begins to walk towards the door.

Doug: (watching her walk away) Carol?

Carol: (turns) Yes?

Doug: I was wondering if you'd like to rent a movie and get a pizza at my place? I mean if you don't have anything else to do or...

Carol: (smiles) Yeah. I'd like that.

Doug: (slightly startled) Really? Okay just let me finish getting changed.

Doug ties his shoes and puts on his coat and gloves in a record of time.

Doug: Okay. I'm ready, lets go.

He walks over and they walk out of the hospital together. The camera picks up on them when they each the door of his apartment they are laughing and talking and he takes out his key and they go in. Doug flips on the light and the place is a mess. There's clothes scattered everywhere and CD's and movies lying around.

Carol: (looking around at the mess in front of her) Why Doug! Is your maid out of town?

Doug: Haha very funny. I'm going to call and order. What kind do you want?

Carol: Um anything is fine with me except anchovies and mushroom.

Doug: Okay one large pizza with extra anchovies coming right up.

Carol playfully sticks her tongue out at him. He takes off his coat and throws it at her. She catches it and goes into the bedroom and throws it on the bed. When she comes out Doug is in the kitchen making the phone call. She looks around and begins to pick up the living room. She takes a big pile of clothes and takes them into the bedroom where she hangs them up in the closet. We here Doug's voice from the livingroom.

Doug: Carol!

Carol: I'm in the bedroom!

Doug: (appears in the doorway and watches her smiling) It's been a while since I've heard that reply from you.

Carol: (blushes) I'm just trying to put order into this dump you live in.

Doug: Carol I didn't ask you over here to clean up for me. Now can you please put my clothes down and come into the livingroom so that we can relax and watch a movie?

Carol: (smiles at him) Okay, but tomorrow I get to play housekeeper. I
can't stand you living in this mess.

Doug: Yes Mommy. I'm sorry to be such a bad boy and not pick up my clothes but can I still go to Billy's birthday party?

Carol throws a pair of jeans at him and drops the rest of the clothes onto the floor of the closet and walks out with Doug.

(Commercial Break)

Act Two