If you're interested in writing fanfiction, contact me at: sammy3@ix.netcom.com

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All characters, names, and settings are property of Warner Bros. They are used here for fun and were not used in anyway to receive profit.


"ER" usually has more than one writer per episode. This script would only
represent one actual story line of any given show. Another writer would,
indeed, have to write a more dramatic and medical story line in order to keep
the vieweres interest. This author regrets that she does not have the
medical know-how or the writing capability to create a full blown script for
an entire show, but, hopes that the readers of this direct story line will
enjoy the idea anyway.

For the rabid Hathaway/Ross romance fans, I hope you are not disappointed,
but, this is the way I would prefer to see this story line worked should it
ever occur on the real NBC series! Thanks to all who encouraged me to write
this and share it with my new friends.



"Chances and Changes"

Opening Act

Scene opens at Carol Hathaway's home...night time. Lights are on in the
Show silhouette on the curtain that Carol is home and moving about inside the
Cut to show Doug Ross walking down the street towards the house as the loop
train goes by above his head. He is dressed for a cool Chicago evening with
a top coat over his slacks, shirt, and tie. He has likely come from the
hospital judging from his attire. He walks along slowly, his hands in the
pocket of his coat. The sounds of the city go on around
him...traffic...horns...the train...etc. He reaches the walk way to Carol's
house and stops, looking towards the house with a sad expression. He does
not proceed up the steps, but stays standing by the curb just looking towards
the house.
Cut to show Carol Hathaway inside the house. She is rearranging magazines
on a coffee table and glances casually out the window. Cut to show the
expression on her face as she notices Doug standing by the curb looking at
the house. Her expression is a cross between concern and confusion. She
stands quietly by the window and watches him without him knowing she is
Begin stands of the song "HURT ME" in the background.

Hurt me....why in the world did you hurt me? Just when I thought I'd found
someone to trust, you took away your love, and hurt me...

Focus on Carol has she flashes back in her mind some of the spats she has
had with Doug ... him coming to her door with flowers, but, drunk...Tag
punching him out at the engagement party...her fight with him in the
subway...and her deciding at the last minute not to get married...

Still can't believe you hurt me, just when I thought it was safe to come in,
you let me want you, and need you, and then you left me, like a child in the
rain, now I'm drowning myself in the pain, oh, you hurt me...

Focus on Doug as he flashes back in his mind Carol's suicide attempt and his
own mental anguish over his helplessness and guilt in the situation as the ER
team worked to save her...
As the musical bridge of the song plays, cut action to present as Doug walks
up the walk way and onto the porch of the house. Show him standing at the
door, fist doubled up, ready to knock, but, show him thinking...
Cut to show Carol on the other side of the door...her head is resting
against the door and she has her hand on the door knob ready to open it when
he knocks.

You left me, like a child in the rain, now I'm lost in an ocean of pain, oh
you hurt me...

Cut to show Doug lost in thought, still has not knocked on the door

Hurt me...I fell in love and it hurt me...

Cut to show Carol still waiting on the other side of the door, but, she
hears footsteps lead away off the porch

Can't you imagine how I'm feeling now?

Cut to show Doug standing back out at the end of the walk by the street
again, looking longingly back at the house, still in thought

Oh, will you ever know how...

Cut to show Carol standing back by the window. She closes her eyes and
bites her lip. She has her arms folded across her chest in thought.
Cut to show Doug shake his head slowly and put his hands back in his

You hurt me?

Cut to show Doug walking slowly away, head down, shuffling slowly back the
same way he came.

Fade Opening Act into the opening credits of the show...


Act One