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All characters, names, and settings are property of Warner Bros. They are used here for fun and were not used in anyway to receive profit.

"Blood Bonds"
Act One:

Scene opens with ER busy from an accident on the interstate highway. Present and working are Carol Hathaway, Peter Benton, Mark Green and Doug Ross.

Cut to show a gurney being wheeled quickly in by an Orderly. On the gurney is a patient, while male, approximately 30 years old. He is not bleeding, but he is groaning in apparent discomfort from other injuries. Behind him is a 'walking wounded' male, approximately 50 years old holding a bandage to a gash on his own forehead. Both patients are coherent and conscious. Doug Ross is the first doctor to them and he leans over the patient on the gurney first.

Doug (taking a closer look at the walking man's wound):
You can have a seat right over here, Sir, and we'll be right with you.

Gene (shakes his head):
I'm fine. Just a little bump. You take care of him. He's more important. I'm staying right here!

Doug (shrugs):
Suit yourself.
(Places his hand on the patient's head to peer into his eyes):
Can you tell me your name?

Chris (sarcastically):
I'm Batman!

Gene (sternly, standing behind Doug):
Chris! Behave yourself! His name is Chris...Chris Kilpatrick.

At the mention of this name, Mark Greene looks up quickly from his work on another patient.

Mark (noted excitement in his voice):
Not 'Killer' Kilpatrick? The race car driver!?

Gene (nods to the doctor):
Let's hope there's only one!

Doug (smiles at the humor, turns to Chris):
Are you hurt anyplace besides the cut on your head, Chris?

Chris (winces slightly):
I hurt all over. Can't you give me something for the pain?

Once we determine the injuries, then, I'll know what I can give you. Show me where it hurts, OK?

Chris (reaches his hand back to his neck):
My neck hurts...and my back hurts...really bad.

Doug (places his hand over Chris' to make his own evaluation):
Can you tell me what happened?

Chris (point to Gene):
Ask him. He was driving. I was asleep.

Gene (extends his hand to shake with Doug):
Gene Carrigan, I'm his manager. He was sleeping in the bunk over the driver in the Winnebago. The car that hit us came out of nowhere. I didn't have any chance to swerve. The force of the impact knocked him out of the bunk and
threw him into the back of the cabin. He hit pretty hard on the wall back there.

Doug (nods with understanding):
OK, Chris,
(takes out a small penlight flashlight and holds one of Chris' eyes open to peer close)
Let's see what we've got here.
(looks closely in one eye...then into the other)
Looks like a mild concussion. The impact on the wall would explain the
pain in your back. Do you hurt anyplace else?

Chris (places his hand over his stomach):
Yeah, really bad, right here.

Doug (places his hand over Chris' gently):
(presses down slightly on the abdominal area. Chris groans in discomfort)

Chris (winces against the pain):

Doug (moves his hands over a little further to the left side):
Or, is it more like over here?
(Presses down firmly. Chris lurches upward off the table just slightly)

Chris (in more intense pain):
Yeah! There! Oh! God! Right there!

Doug (nods):
OK, that's OK! Take it easy. Just one test and we'll know what we're dealing with, OK?
(Doug reaches to the table and takes out a retracting syringe. He swabs Chris'
abdominal area with alcohol but Chris catches sight of the needle before he can
insert it)

Chris (eyes the needle cautiously):
What's that for?

Doug (explaining):
I'm just going to draw some fluid out and see if you're bleeding internally. The pressure I'm feeling tells me you could be. I just need to be sure.

Chris (swallows hard):
Is this gonna hurt?

Doug (shrugs):
Only when it first goes in. After that, you shouldn't really feel anything at

Chris (nods, carefully):

Doug (inches the needle towards Chris' abdomen):
Just take a deep breath and hold it until I say let go, OK?

Chris (nods...his eyes flash a faint hint of fear):

Chris takes a deep breath and holds it, Doug inserts the needle into his
patient's abdomen. Chris groans in obvious pain and closes his eyes

Doug (softly):
OK, let it out.
(Chris releases his breath and Doug retracts a pinkish looking fluid into the syringe)

Gene (sees the fluid):
What does that mean?

Doug (reassuringly):
Pink means there is some bleeding, but, it's very minor. What we're gonna
do here, Chris, is put you in a room and keep you for observation. We'll put some ice on you and see if the bleeding stops on it's own. If it doesn't, then we may need to do some surgery to repair it later, OK?

Chris (with a grunt):
Like I have a choice.

Doug (smiles slightly):
It's gonna be OK.
(Doug pats Chris' shoulder and he is wheeled quickly out of ER. Doug turns back to Gene)
I'm gonna need some information on him to admit him. Can you give it to

Gene (nods):

Cut scene to a one-on-one situation between Doug and Gene. Doug is carrying a clipboard and taking information as it is given.

Doug (without looking up):
Chris is short for Christopher?

Gene (shakes his head):
Christian. Mark Christian Kilpatrick.

Doug (jots that down):
And his age?

He just turned 30...birthdate is 12/9/66

Doug (keeps writing):
Marital status?

Oh, he's definitely single.

Doug (laughs):
I'll need to notify some next of kin?

Gene (shakes his head):
There isn't any. I'm it. His mother died years ago. He has a father but Lord knows where he is. I've never even met the man. Chris doesn't talk much about him. I doubt you could even find him. His parents were never married

Doug (professionally):
Well, if you know his name, I could at least put that down here, just in case we might need it later.

Gene (offering information):
Ray Ross.

Doug (looks up...dumbfounded look):
Excuse me?

Gene (waving motion with his hands for Doug to write that down):
That's his father's name. Ray Ross.

A short wave of shock moves over Doug's eyes, but, outwardly, he says or does nothing to alarm Gene Carrigan.

Doug (snaps his clipboard shut):
Well, I guess that's about all I need for now. I'd appreciate it if you'd let yourself be checked over just to be safe that you're OK.

Gene (nods):
Now that I know Chris is OK, I'll do that.

Doug (shakes hands with Gene):
And Chris will be settled in a room soon. You can see him shortly.
(starts to walk away quickly)

Gene (stops him as he leaves):
Excuse me, Doctor! I didn't get your name.

Doug (smiles...making sure the name 'Ross' does not show on his nametag):
(he nods to Gene)
If you need me, just tell somebody to find Doug. They'll know it's me.

Gene (genuinely):
Well, thank you for all your help.

Doug (smiles a tight smile and nods):

Fade Act One To Black

Act Two