Waiting for Magick


Would you please realize that you are my dream, not my nightmare. I wait because this is worth waiting for. But how many times do I have to give you what I so willingly gave that special night of sunsets before you tell me that you love me? What have I not done to convince you that I am here to stay? Did I give you this intensity for nothing? My tears fall almost every night, but that still isn't real enough for you. Sometimes I wonder if I will come out of this heartbroken and alone like all the other times. All I ask for is your heart to tell me all that it will so I can understand and maybe I will see myself in your eyes. I don't see why you fear me. I'm trying to be everything all in one to you. I try to be your mother. I've always been your friend. I want to be your lover, forever, without an end. Why won't you let me?



So much being unanswered. Where does it end, and will he be there to see me go? Crash me into the ground and watch my honor crumble with me. Can I forever give up reaching for that which cannot be touched? Will the mystery captivate me even one more time before I stabilize? I'll place my bet and cross my fingers and let the moonlight guide me home.

Who wrote the book of love?


I was always good with words, until the moment came for me to confess everything. It's so simple. Just 3 words, yet they have so much meaning pushing them onward. I expanded 3 words into a book of a million words. It just seems so vague. There are so many metaphors. And you never knew that it was published just for you. I wrote a story of our life together and how it would be. I loved every page of it. I read it a thousand times over until it was perfected. And my mind was set. I know what I want and now all there is left to do is put it into action. I put together a script to make a movie. And it starred you and me. It touched everyone who saw it. People watched and they were touched by how strong our hearts became as they were joined together. Those who were alone cried. Those who were happily and unhappily married cried. Everyone who had a heart inside their chest cried. The whole world cried with us. Now that the book has been written, all we need do now is start on the first page and go from there. And maybe we'll write a never-ending series together. Maybe our story of love will never have an end.

In Silence


I walk in silence. Every footstep marks another milestone reached. We walked together, but we walked alone. I couldn't even look him in his eyes. He refused to hold my hand. We walked in silence.
I speak in silence. The thoughts I think, I never say. But the words, he knows are there. I fear that he will look away if what I feel is made known. We never speak a word, but so much is said. We speak in silence.

Never-Ending Secret


My love, my dream. I must come clean. This secret is killing me as it may seem. I simply cannot wait or it will be too late. Don't tell me to stop because this is my fate. Forever is too short, so says time's report: Eternity still has to end somewhere, or something of the sort.

(Not yet completely finished)

That which I cherish, I keep. That which I keep, I love.


Darkness Emerging


This burning desire.
This love that's on fire.
I'm melting, can't you feel me?
I'm becoming one with you.
I'm turning off the light.
I'm not putting up a fight.
The darkness makes me want to be
dreaming next to you.
I stare into the flame.
It's me who is to blame.
I'm naked so there's nothing
that can keep me from reaching you.
Am I still your star?
Or have I gone too far?
I just wanted to be bright enough
so I could still see you.
I watch this candle burn
as my desire for you does yearn.
I wait until the light is gone
before I become one with you.

The Secrets That Kill Me


I feel so dirty, my eyes could not see.
Why do I feel betrayed about someone who came before me?
I look into the mirror inside of my head
and I see the little whore who's clothes lay next to his bed.
Just another night that was supposed to mean so much,
but now I shudder with his every single touch.
What I gave to him that night wasn't enough I suppose.
Now I feel too much time will pass before again I will shed off my clothes.
I see my trembling reflection, but then I turn away.
This pain will find its way out of me, but I don't think that will happen today.
I tell him as I hold back tears, "Give me time to heal",
but I'm the fool because I have yet to tell him how I really feel.



Take me but try not to dissolve me.
I try to give you security
but as I turn my back for a moment
it just disappears.
Love me as I love you
and don't ask why I do.
Your temper, so unruly,
I cannot control your anger.
But I stay and I wait
for your madness to be calm
and then I take you into my world
where pain cannot exist.
Will you take my hand
and follow me into the sunset?
To the place where our star always shines,
night or day, it burns brightly.
So take my hand, my love,
and leave your fears behind you.

Hey, check this out. It's our own poem we recite every night before you leave after we've been out.

Our Poem of Night


Look, there's our star and the moon.
Kiss me under the moonlight, my love
for I will always love you.
I've enjoyed our precious time spent together
and I will never let go of you.
Take care,
keep your head in the stars
and your feet on the ground.
Keep look out for our star.
I shall see you when the sun rises again.
I love you so, my love.

Ripples Between Us


If for some reason you leave you've set sail before I could meet you, I shall watch your boat float away across the river ... to the other side .... into the sunset and I shall cry into the waters below for I missed you. and I so dearly wanted to go. But my tears of misfortune will turn from ripples into waves to help you along your way to the place you were truly meant to be. And if I were meant to accompany you, ... and your boat will not turn back, the sails of yet another will come to me from the distance and bring me to you into your arms .... forevermore. But if a boat will not come along to take me across the river then I shall mourn as a swan does sigh and in loneliness .... I shall die.

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