The Divine Obsession

Milla Jovovich is someone I have alot of respect for. I think she's really hot. Well, not only is she gorgeous, she also has a CD out. It's called The Divine Comedy. It's got a real folky & meidieval sound to it. It's pretty amazing music.

She's in the movie The Fifth Element which is an excellent movie if I say so myself. She played the character
Leeloo Minai Lekarariba-Laminai-T chaii Ekbat De Sebat
(AKA Leeloo), the Supreme One, The Divine Being, The Fifth Element. Can you say 'hello!' to the pagan background of elements here?? I only got to see The Fifth Element in theaters 5 times!! The book is great as well.

I now own the movie I got through a video club via snail mail. I think it's definitely a good investment. I've heard it's been compared to Blade Runner and Star Wars. I've never personally seen Blade Runner, but I know that it's an interesting Sci-Fi flick. If you haven't seen The Fifth Element, it's definitely something you don't want to miss. Go rent it!!

I've been hearing about another film that is supposed to be coming out called Joan of Arc, starring Milla and directed by Luc Besson, the same director of The Fifth Element. I heard it should be coming out into theaters sometime this year or early 1999. I can't wait... And she's also supposed to be starring in a film called The Boathouse coming out in 1999 as well. When I get more information on that film, I will post it! Yay!! More Milla coming our way in 1999!!

Related Links

Some pics of Milla I've compiled
The Official Milla Homepage
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