TrekkinD's Home Page

A place of fun and movies!

Welcome to my home page! I hope you enjoy it.

A little about myself to start all the fun. My real name is Dan Schiff, and I am a Junior at Rio Americano High School. I am intertested in Star Trek, Babylon 5, movies, videogames, school, and computers. I just got my BLACK BELT in karate. Below is a list of my favorite movies and TV shows. And now that you know me a little better, on with the show!!! (I really need to update.)

My page on sequel ideas for the movie Independence Day!

My ongoing report on the 96-97 season of Star Trek. At least until I got bored during the first half.

Strange Stuff: The Page

TrekkinD's Fun Filled Survey

My page filled with lot's of movie links.

Find out what will happen when Bond enters other movies.

Links to other Awesome Sites!

Follow me to some other awesome sites! Unless they are no longer in existance!

My Mom's home page

The Computer Monkey's home page

The James Bond Wannabe Home Page

A friends page on special effects

The House of Gaj

The Kovar's Karate home page, my karate school.

Starbase Sacramento home page.

TrekkinD's Top Movies! (as of two years ago) Click here!

I would like to take this time to say hi to some of my good friends! You are the awesome visitor

Thanks for stopping by!

If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions, feel free to ask TrekkinD at this address.

© 1996

Old Glory!

The Disclamer:I am not responsible for the content of any of my links. All images are copyrighted by their respectful owners.

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