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The Warbird Empire
A database of the hostile aliens in the Star Trek Universe.

Vote for your favorite science fiction TV program of all time in the Warbird Empire's New voting booth. Let your voice be heard in this vote, and if you don't see your favorite, you can add it. Make sure you vote daily.

Galaxy Map:
A non-canon map of the known galaxy in the Star Trek Universe. This map was created here.

Coming Soon! A description of some of the major dragons from mythology and legends.

Ranking the Presidents:
How do the Presidents of the 20th Century rank compared to each other? Who was the best? Who was the worst?

Votefor your favorite Presidents (up to 5) in my voting booth and let the world know who you think are the best presidents in US history instead of letting other people tell you who the best presidents were.

Clinton's Impeachment:
My opinion on why the impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton is illegal and that the Republicans in Congress have violated the Constitution of the United States, and as a result, should be held accountable for their actions.


Okay, Who made this page? Why would he want to? Why would he admit to having done it? Find out the answers to all of your questions here.

Hey, look here.
I'm an honourary Canadian citizen.

The Kingdom of Manisota