You could
call Ami the "brains of the outfit." I often ask myself what the Sailor
Scouts would do without her, because shes my favourite scout. Ami really
wants to become a docter, and she studies very hard in school. Her life
is her books (A concept I should grasp...) and she's kind of a loner; while
everyone else is at the arcadeplaying the latest Sailor V vedie game, she
goes to an after school computer cram class. She also seems to understand
Serena better than anyone.
When a monster attacked her computer
class, Sailor Moon showed up with Luna. It was during the fight that Luna
taught Ami to do her first transformation to Sailor Mercury by saying the
words "Mercury Power!" That made her the second Sailor Scout to appear.
Her powers focusses on controlling the element water and she uses a small
virtual computer to analyze enemies and find quick exits.
Everyone was scared of Ami when
she first transferred to Serena's school. She was very smart and and the
others were jealous. Serena was quick to be friendly though; when she saw
Ami standing alone, she went up and talked to her. After becoming a Sailor
Scout, Ami found new missions in life besides just school and her medical
dreams: to support her new friends, to fight the Negaverse, and to try
and teach Serena to become a betterr sudent. Also she lives with her mother,who
is divorced. |