HE swam the VALLEY of'HELL ....n.... HE crawled pass the GATES of'HELL
Outta coffin ...... Ohhhh SHIT!!! ...... HE's back .... ZAHID in SHADES !!!!

Yo COMMONERS, welcome to HELL's PARADISE !!!
i met Thiz REallY JuDe WonDerBaBe .. LusT NitE ... Check HErr Out,..Cheekos !!!
NOW, Let Me inTroduce Ma' Co-Host .........

He's Green , He's Mean .... He's one HELL of a fren.
He's no-DUMB and definitely no-SCUM but maybe a little GUMP !
He .... is .... Mr SlayerMan Himself .... BoB RAime NP !!!

Click HERE for a LUVLY Pic of RAime n HiS DroP-DeaD BEAUTY

Straight From the HOSTS' Mouth !!!

Chill'out folks !!! No Sympathy for no devils but'Cha guys and Luvly gals out there Got to Check out my 100%
SpellBounding-Partly Iritating-Ever Controversial-Fully Sponsored-Sometimes Offensive DEBUT HoMePaGe.
U ain't got to waste no SHIT over this little Precarious piece of CRAB !!! Please bear those Chicago
GANGSTA's Slang o'Mine and Surf On or I'll swear your SOUL will Twinkle in A Winkle ......... Hahahaha .

By the DAMN Fringy-Yet-Freezy way, Big Daddy Cool BoB Broudie here n ma'Sistant-cum-Slave-alias-Mafia
BoB-exTEEN iDol RAime are your Unceremonious Hosts from Ngee Ann Poly, Tropical Paradiz SINGAPORE .....
Hope to PLEASURIZE and PERSONIFY all U Dudes with lots of Thrills and Spills of the SUPERNATURAL world
And spreading SPIRITUAL Awareness among COMMON People like U all . So ain't NoBody go NoWhere ..............

HoRRoR ... GueSTBooK

This section is truly dedicated to all HORROR fans and also My kinda Tribute to ALL my Hollywood All-Time
Great SUPERHEROES of the DARK SIDE. Without any doubt, they have long contributed Immensely to the Horror
Movies Industry with thier Flawless Suspense and Never-gonna-be-Forgotten THRILLERS. In other words, they've
Scared the PISS out of u'All with their Captivating Performances and have in some ways TOUCHED the lives of
many round this EVER-sinful World. Still ......... I don't think those Heroes 'o' Mine are given Whatsoever
RECOGNITION they very Obviously Deserved and this is All Plain-Pure Hypocrasy {fahk MAN .... double standards!}
How could U Humans let your own-mediocre-good-for-nothin' Souls to be deceived once again? HOLY COW ....DAMN !
At least, they've earned Honourable Slots in my Very-Own HORROR HALL of FAME. Let me hold U no further,
the Chosen SUPERHERO this Sacred Month is ....... FREDDY "NIGHTMARE" KRUEGGER a.k.a Dreams' Slasher !!!


Freddy is his name ... and ... slashing HUMAN Tissues is his fav game.
See those Razor-sharp claws ... hmmm ... just too damn BAD Freddy! ,ain't
Scary for Big Daddy COOL .Me,got no nightmares ... Got to WORK at nite.
Wat bout'u , BoB ? SlayerMan got no time for no Freaky FREDDIES !!!!

PROCEED to Another Page'of HELL ............

Surf .... On .... DuDe !!!