Truthful Decision
As my love for you have declined
I ask what ways might you ever find
When I'm not there to be your arrow
to point the way from hurt and sorrow
To think that you would not survive
will be my comfort based on a lie
That your devotion was too deep
for you to lose the one who puts your hate to sleep
Such mislead visions of what you would feel
would be a sweet excuse for me not to leave
But would I justify your honesty's delight
if I were to lead you with thoughts as dark as night
Could I look into your eyes
and still defeat the rising wall of lies
that keeps me from the revealing truth
which appears in every nature's youth
That love can fade, that life can end
that light disappears and shadows descend
To draw the lines between my thoughts and words
where love and life form the curves
Would you ask why my love decreased
why the song of the bright-eyed child in me has ceased
As my look barely touches your silhouette
I feel as though we have never met
To touch you know would be my loss
to learn how much your love has cost
So with a tear and with a sigh
with honest thoughts I have to tell your love good-bye
~Ingvild Gregersen

"Truthful Decision" Copyright © 1996 Ingvild Gregersen