(a free translation/remaking of Mikael Wiehe's "Det finns en värld")

There is a world

There is a land that no one knows
There is a ocean that no one sees
Down beneath the city is a beach
With seashells and with sand
That awaits our footsteps

There is a longing without end
A gate that’s always on latch
Far away in where Tomorrow is born
the sky is still red
Like a hope beeing alightened

There is a journey without end
A life that is starting every minute
Somewhere far away is a place
where the stories go
and the dreams unfold

There is a song that everybody hears
a song that tempts and seduces
Deep within ourselves is a tune
A missing beyond words
That never dies

There is a world, and we shall win it
Where we can live our lives
And we will search for it
and find it
It will be yours and mine

1996 © Ingvild Gregersen, Mikael Wiehe

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