RESPECT (An "Ode" to Life)

The morning was so beautiful
the end of Easter rest
The sun was shining on my face
I walked easily and springly dressed

We met all young and shared our stories
when one came up; "she's passed away"
Our words they stumbled; "I did not know her"
There were no words, no left to say

Our desks, rowly placed, our teacher standing
I saw how sorrow had drowned his face
he said; "I'll try act professionally"
yet his words shone with a mournful grace

The clock kept ticking on the wall
broke each single breath of silence
I read the emptiness in his face
These rooms, these halls missed her presence

Outside the wind blew, called to us gathered
the flag raised proudly, then half way down
I felt like climbing one step on life's ladder
and grew with every little sound

The colours from the floating flag
The wind whispering the silent cries
One minute of silence, reflecting, grasping for hope
as the light of loss glimmered in their eyes

They told me to respect you Death!
while they tried to understand
Like insecure children they spoke of respect
while steadying us with a shaking hand

Don't ask me for a promise
I will not make a deal
Don't ask me for my respect
which would keep me from what I feel

I do not and will not fear you Death!
but the Sorrow scares me more
We win over your possess of our souls
but we still feel sore

You cannot earn my respect Death!
I just accept you along with Life
I know how you will always be there
to heal like rain, to cut like a knife

For you to see me as part of Life
I’ll let my thoughts wander with you
but when I will wear your blood-red gown
my sun will still shine and my sky will be blue

1997 © Ingvild Gregersen

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