*This poem goes with love to Jonathon Earl Bowser,who has painted the most wonderful paintings there is. Among them the background at my homepage .I respect you so much.*

Midnight Poetry

The Midnight sun brushed her colors
gently over land and ocean
All run over with emotion
Spreading her warm, red aura over the hills and trees
Drowning in the wells of sadness that no one sees
A soul was touched by one stream of her beauty
coming through a glimpse in the curtains in a room
Awaken from a nightmare of pure cruelty
She raised in her bed and stared into the gloom

Thenshe noticed the red silhouette of light
Reaching for her from the depths of the night
Making its way into her heart
And she felt something was wrong right from the start
She walked out under the red sky so bright
And felt the Sun’s sadness together with the feeling of Midnight
Orange streaming tears covered the sky
The Midnight sun was starting to die

The girl whispered
"Sweet sister , why are you so sad?
Things can’t be all that bad?"
The Midnight Sun looked down at her and said
"You see when you are sleeping happily in your bed,
I have to live and die, my life’s short and full of dread
My hours of happiness go by so fast
And you always say: «Ah, there’s the dawn at last»
I have to fade away with streaming tears
with screams of comfort no one hears"

The girl was filled with compassion and sorrow
"But, dearest Sister , you’ll be back again at midnight tomorrow!
Look around you isn’t it true
That people have come out these few hours just to see you
They are happy and taken by the beauty that you bring
And making someone happy is the most important thing
For in the few hours you have brought
A new feeling of beauty , a new wonderful thought
And what does it matter if you fade away
When people are waiting for you all morning and day!"

The Midnight Sun lifted her head and said:
"I am ashamed of the tears I have shed
Thank you little sister for the shining wisdom in your eyes
For when you leave me here, you will leave me wise
Because through me the truth will shine - through the lies
You’ll be like the poetry that never dies"

~Ingvild Gregersen (2nDhOrSeLaDy)

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