Angel Tears
To live in the time of angels...
To die in the moment of pain...
Twilight burning slowly
like notes of flames against crimsom skies
love was not in vain...
Like pearls on a silverthread
I catch those angeltears
they should not be shed.
To cry in the century of peace
To laugh in the age of hostility
A tired star burns out
light years before
we wish upon its destiny, falling...
As if bringing luck ahead
I catch those angeltears
to heal the souls that bled.
Living in the time of angels
sweet sonette of heavenly music...
The tears fall
through centuries of cries and laughter
The sea is tumbling
Like grains of sand
I catch those angeltears
and they slip through my hands
~Ingvild Gregersen

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Copyright © 1996 Ingvild Gregersen