NOTE: at the bottom of this page are links to aquire some excellent software that is mentioned.
This is me, Boris!
Virtual Places: Boris
IRC: Solum, Jatell, Nemis, and XenasChakramCaddy
Telnet Chatters: Duke
The Xena NetForum: Dmitri
The Chakram Mailing List: Solum(a.k.a. Mark)
- Age: 19
- Hair: Brown
- Eyes: Brown
- Height: 5'10.5"
- State: Texas
- City: San Marcos
- Current education: ITT Technical Institute
- Favorite TV shows:
1. Xena: Warrior Princess
2. Star Trek(Voyager, STNG, and DS9)
3. Space: Above and Beyond
4. X-Files
1. Writing poetry
2. Computers
3. Learning to play the Guitar :-)
4. Listening to his CD's
5. Surfin' the net
- Photograph of Mark
- FreeTel
If you use Freetel and I just so happen to be on Freetel and you want to chat.
For this link to work you must have FreeTel on and I must have FreeTel on.
Here are some links to obtain some of the software mentioned above.
Don't forget to checkout my own software favorites page.
Email me about suggestions, comments, or anything I like talking to new people!

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Copyright © 1996 Nemis
This Home Page was created by WebEdit, Sunday, July 21, 1996
Last Updated: Thursday, August 29, 1996