Highlander: There Can Be Only One

I am Duncan MacLeod, born 400 years ago in the highlands of Scotland. I am Immortal, and I am not alone. For centuries we have waited for the time of the Gathering, when the stroke of a sword and the fall of a head will release the power of the Quickening. In the end, there can be only one.
One of my favourite shows of all time. The above paragraph sums up the basics. Immortals walk the Earth among mankind. They can only be killed by decapitation. The show has plenty of action, and a lot of swordplay. Unfortunately it is not on television in Australia anymore, and while I'm gradually managing to build up my collection of videos I am suffering severe 'Highlander Deprivation Syndrome.'
If you want more information on Highlander: The Series as well as the Highlander movies (The Good, The Bad and The 'It didn't happen') I suggest you go to the Mother Of All Highlander Page or to Rachel's Highlander Links Page Index.
My Highlander Stuff
Fan Fiction
The Kingdom Where Nobody Dies Stories
'Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age
The child is grown, and puts away childish things.
Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies
Nobody that matters, that is.'
Edna St Vincent Millay
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This page last updated 4th November, 1997
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