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Classic Silk Stalkings

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Being each other's very best friend...

Sam and Sam 4-ever

Chris and Rita are the best of the best...

The best homicide detective team Palm Beach ever had: Lance and Lorenzo

Chris and Rita as they will always be...

He backed her up like no one else could or would...

ON-LINE there are already many web sites devoted to the greatest detective partnership there ever has been--Chris and Rita (protrayed so very well by Rob Estes and Mitzi Kapture) and the television show in which they appeared--the best crime drama/ ever filmed: SILK STALKINGS

We loved to see them work and play together.

You will be able to find links to many articles and stories and pictures from the articles about Rob Estes and Mitzi Kapture as well as about Charlie Brill and Mitzi McCall at this time. There are links to sound files from Silk Stalkings with classic lines from the show captured for you to play and enjoy and, if you are anything like me, to re-live the wonderful classic moments of magic between Chris and Rita and the good guys and the bad guys who gave us an excuse to watch the show.

The slammin Sammys themselves.

It has been rumored that Silk Stalkings was a crime drama, and now that I think about it, there did seem to be a dead body or two every episode. The two main characters did spend their time and efforts on finding out "who dunnit and why" whenever there was one of these dead persons lying around. And they would even bring the appropriate bad guys to justice every week without fail and within their hour-of-tv time frame. But my family never waivered in the belief that the show Silk Stalkings was actually improperly titled--misnamed if you will--and more correctly would have been titled "The Chris and Rita Hour" since the broadcast allowed us to follow the growth and development of the relationship between Chris and Rita--best friends and partners who knew that no matter what happened in life they had each other to depend on, to count on, to look to for love and support, and each of them always had the other one watching their back .

No one could get the bad guys better.

Why don't you check back with us often. That is, when you are not watching reruns of the very best crime drama on television of all times--Classic Silk Stalkings with Chris and Rita taking down the bad guys and taking care of each other as only best friends and partners can do. If you are having difficulties with any of these links from here,so we can get it cleared up.

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Links to other sites on the Web

Official Silk Stalkings Fan Club
Mitzi Kapture Pages by Lisa
Christy's Silk pages
Sam and Sam Detectives
Larry's Stalker Locator Map
Stalkers mailing list ARCHIVES
TV Survey link

USA Network Silk Page
Search out tv schedules
Deanne's Home Page

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There is still a lot of work going on in Palm Beach these days with Harry and Tom and Cassie. Homicides are being committed and being solved with great care, concern and skill. But there will NEVER be another team like the two Sams; Chris and Rita defined partnership like no one before or after they ruled the department.

And if you just have to see what the person behind this page looks like you can check out this photo of me and my kids. Please, register in my GUEST BOOK(if it is working) or email me and let me know what you think about my first attempt at a web page. All feedback is welcome--good and bad--and suggestions are solicited and will be appreciated. The pictures on this page are from photos I have scanned as well as captured plus those I borrowed from and share with my many friends on the internet. Thank you to all who helped.

© 1996