Tom & George's Home Page 
A Website Devoted to the Wide World o' Comic Books!
Best friends since their college days in Berea, Kentucky, Thomas Moudry, a high school English teacher, and George Love, a Presbyterian minister, share an unabashed passion for comic books, and their intent here is to create a website where they can offer their opinions on various aspects of the hobby, connect with other comics enthusiasts, and--what the heck--be somewhat entertaining.
With that in mind, Tom and George hope you enjoy what you find here, and they encourage your e-mail responses to the addresses below. Let them know what you think!
What You'll Find on Tom and George's Home Page 
In this monthly column, Tom and George exchange ideas about what's going on in the wide world o' comic books. This month, T&G look at the problems associated with the rising cost of comic books, and be sure to watch this space, as they will soon be scrutinizing the nature of the comic book shop.
Every couple of weeks or so, Tom reviews some recently published comics. This installment's comics of interest are SUPREME nos. 41-48, NIGHTWING ANNUAL no. 1 (and other "Pulp Heroes" annuals), and BATMAN: POISON IVY! And, if you're at all interested, Tom also explains where he's been for the last few weeks.
Every now and then, George digs into the comics that are piling up next to his couch and comments on what he finds waiting for him. This time out, George takes a few shots at his comic book supplier, as well as BATMAN/DAREDEVIL.
Here are links to some of Tom and George's favorite comics-related websites. Check 'em out, and tell 'em T&G sent ya!
Each week, Tom and George will offer one of their favorite lines from their vast comic book collections. This week's quote is from Devin K. Grayson, Greg Land, and Bob McLeod's NIGHTWING ANNUAL no. 1!
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