Entertainment Weekly Online (Good magazine, good site!)
Mr. Showbiz (Even more Entertainment news!)
The Daily Babe-Test (Think your a Babe-Meister? We'll see!)
Millennium (Great new show on Fox!!)
Mark's Howard Stern Page (Okay, so Howard's not for everyone!)
Sony Playstation Page (For the video gaming nut in us all!)
Rodney Dangerfield Rodney has a great site! Check it out! The Far Side Daily (Closed. Read a letter from GARY LARSON himself!!)
Calvin & Hobbes (Another great strip)
Humor Archive (Feeling down? Check this out!!)
Joe's Apartment (You've gotta see this!!)
Rolling Stone Online (Excellent Site!)
MTV Online (Nice graphics and lots of info!)
Pearl Jam Page (Good site with lots of info on the band!)
Pulp Fiction Page (Sites and sounds from the movie. Fun site!)
Internet Movie Database (Lots of info on your favorite flicks!)
Vertico's Movie Cliches (Some funny stuff. Check it out!)
CNN Interactive (Get all the lastest, up to the minute news!!)
TIME Magazine (Good site! They have both current and back issues available!!)
Newspapers (HUGE listing of Daily Newpapers from around the country!!)
Geocities.com (Get your own free Web Page!!)
America's Job Bank (Looking for a Job? This is the place for you!)
Web Phone Directory (Find that long-lost friend or relative!)
The G Page (Cool site with great links for web page designers!)
My X-Files Tribute Page (The Best Show on the tube!!)
My Nicole Eggert Page (What's life without a little beauty?)
Ron's Dodger Page (My friend Ron's tribute to his beloved L.A. Dodgers!)
Wayne's Unofficial Sports Page (Wayne's page features sports, politics, and more!)