Due to popular demand and a lot of bitch and moan from certain people,
here is a list of all the interesting and useful sites that I've found
in my travels through the World Wide Web. Most of these sites are
free, that's why they're useful .
Any site with a
next to
it means that yours truly had used the site and found it G
Of course normal precautions MUST be exercised at
all times. If you're a stupid idiot who
cannot take responsibility for your own actions, I do not want you here.
Please realize that Geocities is a free service. As such,
they have to make a living from advertising. They will occasionally
shut a free site down for a day or two, to force browsers to go to other
This site is hosted free by
If there's any subject that interests you but is not covered by me,
you can always go to the granddaddy of all bookmarks - Yahoo. Just
type in the subject you're interest in and click on the Yahoo!
Search button:
Remember: everything you do on the Web will be used against you. Never ever use your real name on the Web. Use an alias, or as we old timers call it - handles, and get use to it. Everything you've ever done on the Web is stored somewhere - forever. Don't let it come back and bite you in the ass. Cause that's what you'll feel like: an Ass.
Surf the World Wide Web pages anonymously through this free service.
Demon's Public News Server List
Extensive lists of news servers (nntp sites) that allows public log
ins and some allows the public to post freely (anonymously).
Gives you e-mail and webpages for free. To be anonymous, use
Juno as the verifying e-mail address.
This free e-mail service is totally anonymous as you dial in from a
Juno phone number, not via your ISP which may leave a trail. However,
it does not support e-mail attachments and is full of advertisements (tastefully
Sends e-mail to anyone you want - anonymously.
Coming Soon
A primer for newbies on how to surf the Web securely.
Cosmo Underground
Large collection of hacks, phreaks and others.
Links to hacks, wares and de-crypted programs.
Convention of hackers and FBI agents who can't blend in to save their
Jave Security
Live viruses. Handle with care.
Large listing of everyone who ever had a telephone.
Search the U.S. map.
Find your long loss classmates, or anyone else registered on an alumni
Credit Checks
Find A Friend
Find anyone you like with social security number, last known address,
driver info, etc., for a fee.
Four11 Directory
Find anyone's phone number, address or e-mail free.
Find out a potential employee's history: work, driving, criminal, credit,
licenses, education; and reference checks.
The Integrity Center
Does the same thing as Informus, except it'll cost less to check
on your kid's babysitter.
U.S. telephone directory. Can find a person's name and address
based on just a phone number.
The Stalker's Home
Despite all the advertisements upfront, this site has good links to
a lot of people search databases.
Search for a person's e-mail address.
Database America
Sales leads and people finder. This is how those annoying cold
callers find you.
Includes the free Acrobat Viewer utility.
Cakewalk Music Software
For those who would like to compose their own music.
Chinese viewer software
Handles Big5, GB and other artificial chinese character sets.
Drivers for certain hard to find products.
Great e-mail program for multiple e-mail users. Their shareware
version (Eudora Light) is free but does not support mult-users. If
you're using Netscape 3.x or Communicator, you already have a e-mail program
built in, download this if you have other e-mail accounts you wish to access
without leaving footprints from your default e-mail program's setup.
IBM AlphaWorks
Free download of software that IBM is trying to make standard.
Linux Home Page
One stop source for all you linux users. Great for printer drivers.
Plug-in required for viewing certain websites. Make sure you
check for the latest versions to avoid security problems.
Anti-virus softwares.
MPEG Software Simulation Group
Everything about mpegs.
Download their latest web browsers and editing softwares. It's
free until you pay for it.
Maker of CompuPic, a great utility that lets you handle graphics in
a File Manager like setting.
The original pkzip manufacturor and is guaranteed to be compliant with
all pkzip standards.
Don't get this just to get quicktime videos. Your Win95 comes
with it built in. Get this only if you want their quicktime plug
in for your web browser.
Watch and hear video and audio over the net in semi-real time.
You assigned it the newsgroup you want to monitor. It goes out
and download all the multi-media files, bypassing all the verbiage while
you do something else.
for Windows
Warning: Do not use 16-bit screen savers on a token ring network
running windows NT. Not unless you want the LAN administrator to
kill you.
Producer of SnagIt the greatest program ever made to make a snap shot
picture of any one of the windows you're running.
Tierra Communications
Offline browsers.
Another live video viewer for web browsers.
Xing Technology
Maker of mpeg readers.
A pkzip compliant software that supports 32-bit file names.
World Clock
Gives you the different time in each zone.
Adaptec: scsi adapter cards.
AMD : an Intel cpu clone maker.
Chromatic Research: DVD technology.
Cyrix : an Intel cpu clone maker.
Ethernet Page: FAQs on ethernet.
Hayes : generic drivers for modems.
This is the IBM products webpage. Go to
ibm.net for the ISP company.
Home Page and
FTP Site.
Visit their newsgroups to ask questions regarding Intel chips and motherboards.
Research hardware.
: maker of removable drives.
Kryotec: retailer of peltier coolers.
Lexmark International Inc. : nice printers.
Logitech : get mouse and joystick drivers that'll run most other brands.
Matrox : video cards.
Modem FAQ : everything you wanted to know about modems.
x86 Monthly Digest: diagrams of motherboards and their settings.
NYC based consultants that install networks and phone connections.
I like them because they don't nickel and dime people to death with "extras".
Library of Congress
News Services
Extensive list of all news service in the United
No matter what some idiots say, news services from
the U.S. are the
most reliable ones I've seen. If one is lying,
others will soon expose
it. Not like the 'independent' news services
of some of these butt-
fucked, backward-assed banana republics.
Business News
Consumer World
Find out if the company you're interested in is a scam.
Council of Better Business Bureaus
Find out if the company you're interested in is a scam.
Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Read the latest Federal Reserve Board pronouncements.
Reserve Economic Database
Get the Beige Book, weekly interest rates, etc.
Lists all internet resources available to research a company or financial
Accounting Standards Board
For the latest in accounting standards that may effect your company.
Get the latest analysis on FNMA mortgage-backed securities.
HSH Associates
For the latest data on the mortgage loan market.
A stock market simulator. Great place to try out different investment
strategies without losing your shirt.
Mexico government economics
I know, I know. Mexican economics is an oxymoron. But,
hey, some people actually invests in there.
Get the latest quotes on shares traded on Nasdaq. As well as
company news.
For those whose companies are listed in Nasdaq and were given access.
New York Stock Exchange
Place is only good if you want to do historical data searches.
No up-to-date market quotes like Nasdaq.
and Exchange Commission (US)
All publicly listed companies must file quarterly and annual financial
reports with the S.E.C. via EDGAR. The EDGAR database is free for
all to access.
APL Quote Server
Research and market quotes on any publicly listed company.
Small Business Administration
Source of small business data and SBA guaranteed loans.
Social Security Administration (US)
Check to see what you're not getting by the time you retire.
Standard & Poor's Insurance Rating Reports
Great site for everything you ever wanted to know about taxes.
Thomas Legislative Info
Latest and greatest (or lousiest) information on new U.S. legislations.
USA Data
Local market data resource.
U.S. Census Bureau
Performs a full census of the entire United States of America once
every five years.
U.S. Government Contractor Resource Center
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Use HUNT THEM DOWN for credit report sources.
to keep idiots busy for hours
Other United Media comic
For the best free audio files (midi, wav, etc.), go to the newsgroups and look up alt.binaries.sounds..... Use the midi player provided by Windows to listen. If you don't have a midi player, go to one of the search engines and look for "midi" or "wav" and download the free/shareware. You can also use SBNewsBot to automatically download the audio files while you sleep or do other things.
For the best viewing of adult material, go to the newsgroups. If you don't know how to access the newsgroups, ask your ISP for assistance. For adult entertainment, look into alt.binaries.pictures or japan.binaries. Be careful not to do something stupid and run afoul of your local laws, they are watching.
The easiest way to access all this is to use SBNewsBot
and let it download the material for you. Just follow the detailed
instructions on their webpage. It's the easiest one I've found.
Almost idiot simple. Than use
to view and edit at your leisure.
Almost all pictures at these adult web sites are on or came from the newsgroups. Whatever you do, don't pay money for this. Position cursor on picture and right click on the mouse button to save the picture.
The Yahoo! of sex sites. Search the web for every conceivable
adult entertainment site.
Adult Sites
Check on your deliveries via:
The official domain registry site. Don't be fooled by that Penal
Colony (Australia) knock off internic.com, which will charge you twice
the official rate, and still go through internic.net.
provide free webcounter service.
For software, look in COMPUTER SOFTWARE.
Internet Providers
Source for term papers, thesis, general plagerism.
List of United States government web sites.
Nuclear Program Web at NRDC Pro
The Internet drug index.
Internet pathology laboratory.
You're visitor number
as per WebCounters.
and number
per Geocities.