(Feb 15, 2005) DVD's of the Galaxy Rangers are out, get volumes 1 and 2 now from Koch Vision with volumes 3 and 4 slated for release this spring!
(Jan 1, 2004) Vote for a DVD release of Galaxy Rangers! There's no checkbox for GR so write in manually "The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers" into the "other" spot!! Hopefully we'll see GR on dvd!
(August 22, 2003) GR on DVD! Well, the 1st 2 episodes at least, are out on DVD. They are region 0, though unfortunately in PAL format. This means that people who live in the UK have it made, and those of us who live in North America, well, you can watch the DVD if you have a dvd-rom drive on your computer. Despite this setback, I still highly recommend it, as the quality is very good, much better than you could get through Nth generation VHS tape copies. The DVD can be bought at www.blackstar.co.uk
(May 11, 2003) Notice: Being out of the loop, after you check out this page, head on over to Beta Mountain for one of the most comprehensive pages on GR.
Also, are there still people interested in copies of GR episodes? I'm thinking of digitizing some of my better quality eps on tape, but I'd like a general idea if this is something people want. You can email me at: TAKEkmits@THISOUTkmits.com
Here's a quick description of the main characters of the Galaxy Rangers:

Captain Zachery Foxx -
Zach is the 'leader' of the group even though the rangers mainly
act as one unit without a leader. Zach has a bionic arm which can fire
bolts of energy.
Zach just about to blow you away!
Shane Gooseman -
In my opinion, one of the most fascinating characters of the show.
He's a cowboy type, real loner. Blonde hair, green eyes. Awesome
gunslinger. He can also 'morph' into anything he needs to be as long
as he remains basically the same mass and shape.
Here's a cool picture of Goose!
Niko -
No last name. Niko is one of the best animated female characters I
have ever seen. She's an expert at Tae Kwon Do and participates
as a full member of the rangers - unlike most other cartoons with a
token female that never does anything. Niko has telepathic powers.
Niko, looking ever so composed.
'Doc' Hartford -
Doc is the computer hacker of the group. He's always handy to have
around to break into computer systems. His special ability is to
create programs (called tweakers) which wreak havoc with computer
Doc with his CDU.
here for a detailed Galaxy Ranger character guide.

The Galaxy Rangers theme song! (in au format - about 500+KB)
Galaxy Rangers Image Gallery - new!
Go to Goose's Gallery!(more pics, midi's and a few icons)
Here's the lyrics to the two Galaxy Ranger theme songs!
The top Galaxy Rangers episodes!
Join the Galaxy Rangers mailing list!
To subscribe, send email to
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type: SUB RANGER-L Firstname Lastname
After you have signed up, post any messages to: RANGER-L@psuvm.psu.edu
Looking for Galaxy Rangers episodes?
GR episodes are really hard to come by...but, Colombia/Tristar Homevideo HAS re-released
4 volumes (5,6,7,12) worth of the original GR videos a few years ago (1994), you may be able to find these at local video shops These can be ordered in
at a local video store (hopefully). [I think Suncoast videos in the US can order them in ???] Be warned, *if* the video store can order them in, they CAN be expensive, as some volumes were not sell-through videos.

Allronix's Galaxy Rangers page. (info fanfics, etc)
Beta Mountain
Sasha's Galaxy Ranger page (screen caps)
Tara O'Shea's GR web page
Galaxy Rangers index page
Heidi's Galaxy Ranger's Page
Mel's place - if you know who Mel is, you're a true rabidly devoted GR fan!
Mick Farren's home page - he WROTE some of the GR episodes!!!
Please sign my guestbook!
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Last update: July 21, 2000
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