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  05/24/00  Home Improvement Links updated.

  04/13/00  Friends episode list updated.

  04/08/00  Bewitched (portuguese version) pages updated.

  04/07/00  I dream of Jeannie links updated. Bewitched part of Seriesland
            completely updated, now with all the cast.

  12/18/99  Friends episode list updated (Sixth season, episodes 622-626).

  07/31/99  Seriesland main page reformulated with some design improvements and a
            new logo. "ICQ me" and "LATEST UPDATES" pages created.

07/29/99  ICQ banner. Now you can know if I'm online, send me online messages,
            chat with me, and use all the ICQ features!

07/28/99  Home Improvement episode list updated and "PAGE ME" page fixed

07/26/99  Seriesland has been picked as a Crazydragon COOLsite in the
            entertainmentSites section!

07/02/99  Friends episode list updated.

01/01/99  Friends pages reformulated. Now these pages have a better look and all
            the pictures were captured by me. Soon these modifications will be
            available to all the pages in Seriesland.

10/22/98  "PAGE ME" page fixed - You can send messages to my pager

10/22/98  My new e-mail address is: