Welcome to the unofficial TAZO collectors cyberspace home page.

You must be a serious Tazo collector to have adventured this far. So you want to know my trading policy.

My trading Policy for Australian Tazo's

Any 2 of the same set for 1 (from my spares) or Any 3 for 1 (from my spares) from different sets. Just Let me know what you are after and I am sure to be able to get it for you.

My trading Policy for Chinese Tazo's

Any 5 Australian Tazos for 1. That is if you are after the whole set. I have also a number of incompleted Chinese sets, which I am trading Any 3 Australian Tazos for 1

Some of you, have been asking me to sell some of my Tazos. I am sorry but I refuse to sell any of them. This is because of a couple of reasons the main one being. If I start to sell my Tazos, it is too hard to replenish my stock for the needs of others.

Send us an email of what Tazo's you are after © 1996 mmocatta@intercoast.com.au

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