I'm skiing
"The Jump"

... skiing into fresh powder !!!

The Top
"The Top"

at work Click here for at work
europe Italian version italy

- WHO IS: Guido Koch was born in Bologna, Italy 8 July 1969, and he's always been skiing, since he was a child (like Alberto Tomba!). He always tried to find new chances to break his bones ... !!!
Since some years ago, he practise ski-alpinism, a fantastic sport, but with too many slopes and too few descents... (it shouldn't be ethics using a helicopter !!! )
Of course he is always happy to try each other activity that could be considered
... a madness !!!!
This page is for all the people who likes mountain, skiing, hiking, biking, and ...


1) foto 1 2) foto 2 3) foto 3 4) foto 4 5) foto 5
6) foto 6 7) foto 7 8) foto 8 9) foto 9 10) foto 10

1-2) Gran Paradiso - Alps - mt. 4061 05/28/95

3-4-5) Dolomiti of Brenta 06/12/96 - Tuckett's Cup '96 -

6) Val Senales Glacier mt. 3250 - 05/04/96

7) Mount Cusna - Appennins - with Mountain Bike - 10/13/96
(the other person is Antonio, who's often with my in this trips!)

8) Mount Cusna - Appennins - ski-alpinism - 08/12/96

9-10) Dolomiti of Brenta - Rif. Tuckett 25-26-27/12/96 (...brrr...)


CAI Italian Alpin Club

Meteo France Satellite

Alberto Tomba

Maurizio Lippa's Ski page

Vincenzo's home page (he helped me in this !!!)

You are visitor number from 27 July 1996

Write to me ! posta

... for everything ... posta

Last update: 12/12/96