MadNeSS of the JaNE

Welcome to my homepage. You would be the th person to visit me. A few "quickie" facts about this strange variable called the JaNE:

I like:

I dislike:

I don't take criticism well, but I'll take it. I'm an entering freshman at the University of Maryland at College Park. I'm majoring in Government. I'm Korean-American. And I have a cat. And I think that's enough for you to be able to enjoy these web pages.


Washington's "alternative" newspaper, the City Paper

Random Atheist Fortune Cookies: Get your daily dose from a "large and eclectic collection of Atheist/freethought quotes."

Allyson's Home Page My good friend's home page includes a picture of ME.

Anthony Gino's anime-obssessed overbearing web page. Now in frames.

Weekly Pictures of Jesus

Learn about having safe sex at Ann Rose's Ultimate Birth Control LInks Page

The Fuck Page One guy sounding off against a plethora of societal injustices.

!MadNeSS MuSiC!

Some stuff about my favorite bands/artists, where to get the best music info on the net, and what I'm listening to. Visit it. You'll like it. I promise. Features:
Semisonic emmet swimming Afghan Whigs

**NOTE: Have a CD to recommend? One that I don't have? Tell me to buy it, and why, on my CD Collection page!**

ConTact MadNeSS

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Last updated: June 26, 1997