Allen Orillaneda
3284 Archshire
San Jose, CA 95148
A challenging position as a
Software Engineer with possibility of career advancement.
B. S. Computer Engineering
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, June 2003
Technical Skills
C, C++, Java,
HTML, VHDL, MIPS, M68HC12 Assembly, Java3D
WinNT (Exchange, File, and Print servers), UNIX
Web Development:
Extensive knowledge in HTML, Java Scripting, Macromedia
Personal Homepage:
Quest for Glory Online:
Quest for Glory Club IRC:
Office XP Suite, Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator,
Macromedia Flash
Effective communication, writing,
and leadership skills. Typing speed of 100+ WPM.
Professional History
iPrint Technologies, Redwood City, CA
QA Engineer Intern, June 2001 to Sept 2001
Designed an entirely new testing
procedure, which converted a majority of the black box testing to a more open
white box approach. Researched and
implemented automation for the remaining black box testing. Employed for two build
cycles of Builder.
QA Engineer Intern, July 2000 to
Sept 2000
Published test matrices for the iPrint
Builder Project, and tested product before alpha, beta, and live labels were
cut. Employed for two and a half build cycles of Builder.
miro Displays, Inc., Mountain View, CA
June 1999 to Sept 1999
Information Systems Consultant: Built and maintained Windows NT
Servers (Exchange, File, and Print). Provided direct, on call
support for client workstations.
Electroglas Inc., Santa Clara, CA
June 1997 to Aug 1997
Engineering Lab Intern: Performed silicon wafer test machine stress and
performance tests Published technical report and similar documents.
Relevant Coursework Experience
Senior Project, Sept 2003 to Apr 2004
Designed, Developed, and Produced a microcontroller based
digital board game resembling the redemption game Cyclone and the classic pub
game Darts. Featured multiple player capability, various
modes of gameplay, and a wide array of games. Worked in a 2 person development team. Developed
in M68HC12 Assembly.
Engineering, Mar
2001 to June 2001
Designed and Developed an employee
scheduling program according to a customer’s specifications. Simulated the
different phases of software development including design, implementation,
testing, demonstration, and maintenance. Practiced the PSP
method of personal programming evaluation. Worked in a
2 person development team. Developed project in Java.
Sept 2001 to Dec 2001
Designed and Developed a robot
car, named Agent X, for the Robot Auto Racing Simulator (RARS) that had the
capability to improve average subsequent lap times to any given random race
track. Worked in a 5 person development team.
Developed in C++ .
Other Coursework
Computer Networks: Implemented file transfer client and server programs
using TCP/IP and UDP. Implemented CRC error checking. Developed in C.
Computer Graphics & Animation: Implemented current graphics,
animation, and multimedia algorithms and techniques. Developed
in Java3D.
Microprocessor System Design: Emphasized Motorola 68HC11 and
families. Developed in M68HC12 assembly.
Electroglas Wafer Test Machine Operations
Poly Week of Welcome All Volunteer Program Leader
Radio License, KD6HMI, Rank: Technician +
Leadership Positions
Cal Poly Week of
Welcome Volunteer Organization, San Luis Obispo, CA
TEAM Facilitator, Jan 2003 to June 2003
Trained a group of college students for the role of
Orientation Leader whose purpose is to lead incoming college freshmen. Worked within key committees crucial for the production of the
TEAM Production Crew, Jan 2002 to June 2002
Provided behind the scenes work
during training meetings. Worked within key committees crucial
for the production of the program.
Orientation Group Leader, Sept 2002, 2001, 1999
Managed a diverse group of incoming college freshmen for
their transitional life at Cal Poly.
Event Staff Leader, Sept 2003, 2000
Worked within the Staff team to provided
behind the scenes work during the Week of Welcome period.